
Each runner handles taking the input data from the extractor, applying each transformation and passing the transformed data onto the loader. The base runner handles all dictionary like rows but can be reimplemented to handle running the transformations in any architecture (such as the PandasRunner).


The runner expects the extractor to provide data on a row by row basis, if multiple sources need to be queried to produce the extracted data they must be merged together to produce complete rows (using sql joins for example). Similarly, when loading the data connection will receive rows containing complete records and it’s the job of the connection to transform them into multiple queries if multiple tables or databases should be updated.

Coercing data types

Coercing the rows data types is handled in the runner rather than the extractor. While it may make sense to handle this in the loader it is handled in the runner so that efficiencies can be gained from distributing the conversion across the architecture.

In the base runner this is handles in the apply_transformation_set method. If you override this method you should call coerce_row_types.

If you want to change how the type transformation is handled across the architecture, reimplement coerce_row_types.