
Module Contents



Computation step that will be call before the gulcalc.

class oasislmf.computation.hooks.pre_analysis.ExposurePreAnalysis(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: oasislmf.computation.base.ComputationStep

Computation step that will be call before the gulcalc. Add the ability to specify a model specific pre-analysis hook for exposure modification, Allows OED to be processed by some custom code. Example of usage include geo-coding, exposure enhancement, or dis-aggregation…

when the run method is call it will : - load the module specified at exposure_pre_analysis_module - init the class named exposure_pre_analysis_class_name with all the non null args in step_params as key arguments - call the method run of the object - return the output of the method

you can find an example of such custom module in OasisPyWind/custom_module/exposure_pre_analysis.py

run_dir_key = 'pre-analysis'[source]

import exposure_pre_analysis_module and call the run method