Source code for oasislmf

__version__ = '2.4.0'

import sys
from import MetaPathFinder, Loader
from importlib.util import spec_from_loader
import importlib
import warnings

import logging
from logging import NullHandler

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] handler = NullHandler() = 'oasislmf' logger.addHandler(handler)
[docs] class MyLoader(Loader): def __init__(self, sub_module):
[docs] self.sub_module = sub_module
[docs] def module_repr(self, module): return repr(module)
[docs] def exec_module(self, module): old_name = module.__name__ new_name = f"oasislmf.{self.sub_module}" sys.modules[old_name] = importlib.import_module(new_name) return sys.modules[old_name]
[docs] class MyImport(MetaPathFinder): """ Support alias of depreciated sub-modules * model_execution -> execution * model_preparation -> preparation * api -> platform Example: `from oasislmf.model_execution.bash import genbash` is the same as calling the new name `from oasislmf.execution.bash import genbash` """ def __init__(self):
[docs] self.depricated_modules = { "model_execution": "execution", "model_preparation": "preparation", "api": "platform", "platform": "platform_api" }
[docs] def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None): import_path = fullname.split(".", 1) if fullname.startswith("oasislmf") and len(import_path) > 1: import_path = import_path[1] for deprecated in self.depricated_modules: if deprecated == import_path or import_path.startswith(deprecated + '.'): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("always") warnings.warn( f"imports from 'oasislmf.{deprecated}' are deprecated. Import by using 'oasislmf.{self.depricated_modules[deprecated]}' instead." ) import_path = import_path.replace(deprecated, self.depricated_modules[deprecated]) return spec_from_loader(fullname, MyLoader(import_path))