Source code for oasislmf.computation.helper.autocomplete

__all__ = [

from ..base import ComputationStep

import os
import sys
from platform import system

[docs] class HelperTabComplete(ComputationStep): """ Adds required command to `.bashrc` Linux or .bash_profile for mac so that Command autocomplete works for oasislmf CLI """
[docs] step_params = [ {'name': 'bash_rc_file', 'flag': '-p', 'help': 'Path to bash configuration RC file, "~/.bashrc". '}, {'name': 'no_confirm', 'flag': '-y', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Skip the confirmation prompt'}, ]
[docs] def confirm_action(self, question_str, no_confirm=False): self.logger.debug('Prompt user for confirmation') if no_confirm: return True try: check = str(input("%s (Y/N): " % question_str)).lower().strip() if check[:1] == 'y': return True elif check[:1] == 'n': return False else: self.logger.error('Enter "y" for Yes, "n" for No or Ctrl-C to exit.\n') return self.confirm_action(question_str) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.logger.error('\nexiting.')
[docs] def install_autocomplete(self, target_file=None): msg_success = 'Auto-Complete installed.' msg_failed = 'install failed' msg_installed = 'Auto-Complete feature is already enabled.' msg_reload_bash = '\n To activate reload bash by running: \n source {}'.format(target_file) cmd_header = '# Added by OasisLMF\n' cmd_autocomplete = 'complete -C completer_oasislmf oasislmf\n' try: if os.path.isfile(target_file): # Check command is in file with open(target_file, "r") as rc: if cmd_autocomplete in sys.exit(0) else: # create new file at set location basedir = os.path.dirname(target_file) if not os.path.isdir(basedir): os.makedirs(basedir) # Add complete command with open(target_file, "a") as rc: rc.write(cmd_header) rc.write(cmd_autocomplete) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('{}: {}'.format(msg_failed, e))
[docs] def run(self): # select default bashrc if not set if not self.bash_rc_file: default_file = '.bash_profile' if system == 'Darwin' else '.bashrc' self.bash_rc_file = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~'), default_file ) # Prompt user, and then install msg_user = 'Running this will append a command to the following file:\n' if self.confirm_action("{} {}".format(msg_user, self.bash_rc_file), self.no_confirm): self.install_autocomplete(self.bash_rc_file)