# sparse array inspired from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/sparse/sparsetools/csr.h
import sys
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import logging
from oasislmf.pytools.common.event_stream import (stream_info_to_bytes, LOSS_STREAM_ID, ITEM_STREAM, PIPE_CAPACITY, EventReader,
mv_read, mv_write_item_header, mv_write_sidx_loss, mv_write_delimiter, write_mv_to_stream)
from oasislmf.pytools.common.data import oasis_int, oasis_int_size, oasis_float, oasis_float_size
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# buff_size = 65536
# event_agg_dtype = np.dtype([('event_id', 'i4'), ('agg_id', 'i4')])
# sidx_loss_dtype = np.dtype([('sidx', 'i4'), ('loss', 'f4')])
# number_size = 8
# nb_number = buff_size // number_size
SPECIAL_SIDX_COUNT = 6 # 0 is included as a special sidx
SIDX_LOSS_WRITE_SIZE = oasis_int_size + oasis_float_size
@nb.jit(cache=True, nopython=True)
def reset_empty_items(compute_idx, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_val, computes):
if remove_empty:
if sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']] == sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i'] - 1]:
computes[compute_idx['next_compute_i']] = 0
compute_idx['next_compute_i'] -= 1
if sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']] == sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i'] - 1]:
sidx_val[sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']]] = -3
loss_val[sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']]] = 0
sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']] += 1
@nb.jit(cache=True, nopython=True)
def add_new_loss(sidx, loss, compute_i, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_val):
if ((sidx_indptr[compute_i - 1] == sidx_indptr[compute_i])
or (sidx_val[sidx_indptr[compute_i] - 1] < sidx)):
insert_i = sidx_indptr[compute_i]
insert_i = np.searchsorted(sidx_val[sidx_indptr[compute_i - 1]: sidx_indptr[compute_i]], sidx) + sidx_indptr[compute_i - 1]
if sidx_val[insert_i] == sidx:
raise ValueError("duplicated sidx in input stream")
sidx_val[insert_i + 1: sidx_indptr[compute_i] + 1] = sidx_val[insert_i: sidx_indptr[compute_i]]
loss_val[insert_i + 1: sidx_indptr[compute_i] + 1] = loss_val[insert_i: sidx_indptr[compute_i]]
sidx_val[insert_i] = sidx
loss_val[insert_i] = loss
sidx_indptr[compute_i] += 1
def event_log_msg(event_id, sidx_indptr, len_array, node_count):
return f"event_id: {event_id}, node_count: {node_count}, sparsity: {100 * sidx_indptr[node_count] / node_count / len_array}"
def read_buffer(byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id,
nodes_array, sidx_indexes, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_indptr, loss_val, pass_through,
computes, compute_idx
last_event_id = event_id
while True:
if item_id:
if valid_buff - cursor < (oasis_int_size + oasis_float_size):
sidx, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size)
if sidx:
loss, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_float, oasis_float_size)
loss = 0 if np.isnan(loss) else loss
###### do loss read ######
if loss != 0:
if sidx == -2: # standard deviation
elif sidx == -4: # chance of loss
pass_through[compute_idx['next_compute_i']] = loss
add_new_loss(sidx, loss, compute_idx['next_compute_i'], sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_val)
##### do item exit ####
reset_empty_items(compute_idx, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_val, computes)
cursor += oasis_float_size
item_id = 0
if valid_buff - cursor < 2 * oasis_int_size:
event_id, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size)
if event_id != last_event_id:
if last_event_id: # we have a new event we return the one we just finished
return cursor - oasis_int_size, last_event_id, 0, 1
else: # first pass we store the event we are reading
last_event_id = event_id
item_id, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size)
##### do new item setup #####
node = nodes_array[item_id]
sidx_indexes[node['node_id']] = compute_idx['next_compute_i']
loss_indptr[node['loss']: node['loss'] + node['layer_len']] = sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']]
sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i'] + 1] = sidx_indptr[compute_idx['next_compute_i']]
computes[compute_idx['next_compute_i']] = item_id
compute_idx['next_compute_i'] += 1
return cursor, event_id, item_id, 0
class FMReader(EventReader):
when reading the stream we store relenvant value into a slithly modified version of the CSR sparse matrix where
the column indices for row i are stored in indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]
and their corresponding values are stored in data[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]].
nodes_array: array containing all the static information on the nodes
loss_indptr: array containing the indexes of the beginning and end of samples of an item
loss_sidx: array containing the sidx of the samples
loss_val: array containing the loss of the samples
def __init__(self, nodes_array, sidx_indexes, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_indptr, loss_val, pass_through,
len_array, computes, compute_idx):
self.nodes_array = nodes_array
self.sidx_indexes = sidx_indexes
self.sidx_indptr = sidx_indptr
self.sidx_val = sidx_val
self.loss_indptr = loss_indptr
self.loss_val = loss_val
self.pass_through = pass_through
self.len_array = len_array
self.computes = computes
self.compute_idx = compute_idx
def read_buffer(self, byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id, **kwargs):
return read_buffer(
byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id,
self.nodes_array, self.sidx_indexes, self.sidx_indptr,
self.sidx_val, self.loss_indptr, self.loss_val, self.pass_through,
self.computes, self.compute_idx
def item_exit(self):
reset_empty_items(self.compute_idx, self.sidx_indptr, self.sidx_val, self.loss_val, self.computes)
def event_read_log(self, event_id):
logger.debug(event_log_msg(event_id, self.sidx_indptr, self.len_array, self.compute_idx['next_compute_i']))
@nb.jit(cache=True, nopython=True)
def load_event(byte_mv, event_id, nodes_array,
sidx_indexes, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_indptr, loss_val, pass_through,
computes, compute_idx, output_array, i_layer, i_index):
cursor = 0
node_id = computes[compute_idx['level_start_compute_i']]
while node_id:
node = nodes_array[node_id]
node_sidx_start = sidx_indptr[sidx_indexes[node['node_id']]]
node_sidx_end = sidx_indptr[sidx_indexes[node['node_id']] + 1]
node_val_len = node_sidx_end - node_sidx_start
if node_id < pass_through.shape[0]:
pass_through_loss = pass_through[node_id]
pass_through_loss = 0
for layer in range(i_layer, node['layer_len']):
output_id = output_array[node['output_ids'] + layer]
node_loss_start = loss_indptr[node['loss'] + layer]
# print('output_id', output_id)
# print(' ', sidx_val[node_sidx_start: node_sidx_end])
# print(' ', loss_val[node_loss_start: node_loss_start + node_val_len])
if output_id and node_val_len: # if output is not in xref output_id is 0
if i_index == -1:
if cursor < PIPE_CAPACITY - ITEM_HEADER_SIZE: # header + -5, -3, -1 sample
cursor = mv_write_item_header(byte_mv, cursor, event_id, output_id)
i_index += 1
if sidx_val[node_sidx_start + i_index] == MAX_LOSS_IDX:
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, MAX_LOSS_IDX, loss_val[node_loss_start + i_index])
i_index += 1
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, MAX_LOSS_IDX, 0)
# write CHANCE_OF_LOSS_IDX == -4 sidx
if pass_through_loss:
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, CHANCE_OF_LOSS_IDX, pass_through_loss)
# write TIV_IDX == -3 sidx
if sidx_val[node_sidx_start + i_index] == TIV_IDX:
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, TIV_IDX, loss_val[node_loss_start + i_index])
i_index += 1
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, TIV_IDX, 0)
# write MEAN_IDX == -1 sidx
if sidx_val[node_sidx_start + i_index] == MEAN_IDX and i_index < node_val_len:
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, MEAN_IDX, loss_val[node_loss_start + i_index])
i_index += 1
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, MEAN_IDX, 0)
return cursor, node_id, layer, i_index
if i_index == node_val_len:
cursor = mv_write_delimiter(byte_mv, cursor)
i_index = -1
i_layer = 0
if loss_val[node_loss_start + i_index]:
cursor = mv_write_sidx_loss(byte_mv, cursor, sidx_val[node_sidx_start + i_index], loss_val[node_loss_start + i_index])
i_index += 1
return cursor, node_id, layer, i_index
compute_idx['level_start_compute_i'] += 1
node_id = computes[compute_idx['level_start_compute_i']]
return cursor, node_id, 0, i_index
class EventWriterSparse:
def __init__(self, files_out, nodes_array, output_array, sidx_indexes, sidx_indptr, sidx_val, loss_indptr, loss_val,
pass_through, len_sample, computes):
self.files_out = files_out
self.nodes_array = nodes_array
self.sidx_indexes = sidx_indexes
self.sidx_indptr = sidx_indptr
self.sidx_val = sidx_val
self.loss_indptr = loss_indptr
self.loss_val = loss_val
self.pass_through = pass_through
self.len_sample = len_sample
self.computes = computes
self.output_array = output_array
self.byte_mv = np.frombuffer(buffer=memoryview(bytearray(PIPE_CAPACITY)), dtype='b')
def __enter__(self):
if self.files_out is None:
self.stream_out = sys.stdout.buffer
self.stream_out = open(self.files_out, 'wb')
# prepare output buffer
self.stream_out.write(stream_info_to_bytes(LOSS_STREAM_ID, ITEM_STREAM))
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if self.files_out:
def write(self, event_id, compute_idx):
i_index = -1
i_layer = 0
node_id = 1
while node_id:
cursor, node_id, i_layer, i_index = load_event(
self.sidx_indexes, self.sidx_indptr, self.sidx_val, self.loss_indptr, self.loss_val,
write_mv_to_stream(self.stream_out, self.byte_mv, cursor)
@nb.jit(cache=True, nopython=True)
def get_compute_end(computes, compute_idx):
compute_start = compute_end = compute_idx['level_start_compute_i']
while computes[compute_end]:
compute_end += 1
return compute_start, compute_end
class EventWriterOrderedOutputSparse(EventWriterSparse):
def write(self, event_id, compute_idx):
compute_start, compute_end = get_compute_end(self.computes, compute_idx)
self.computes[compute_start: compute_end] = np.sort(self.computes[compute_start: compute_end], kind='stable')
return super().write(event_id, compute_idx)