Source code for oasislmf.pytools.getmodel.footprint

This file houses the classes that load the footprint data from compressed, binary, and CSV files.
import json
import logging
import mmap
import os
from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import Dict, List, Union
from zlib import decompress

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numba as nb

from oasis_data_manager.df_reader.config import clean_config, InputReaderConfig, get_df_reader
from oasis_data_manager.df_reader.reader import OasisReader
from oasis_data_manager.filestore.backends.base import BaseStorage
from .common import (FootprintHeader, EventIndexBin, EventIndexBinZ, Event, EventCSV, EventDynamic,
                     footprint_filename, footprint_index_filename, zfootprint_filename, zfootprint_index_filename,
                     csvfootprint_filename, parquetfootprint_filename, parquetfootprint_meta_filename,
                     event_defintion_filename, hazard_case_filename, fp_format_priorities)

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] uncompressedMask = 1 << 1
[docs] intensityMask = 1
[docs] CURRENT_DIRECTORY = str(os.getcwd())
[docs] class OasisFootPrintError(Exception): """ Raises exceptions when loading footprints. """ def __init__(self, message: str) -> None: """ The constructor of the OasisFootPrintError class. Args: message: (str) the message to be raised """ super().__init__(message)
[docs] class Footprint: """ This class is the base class for the footprint loaders. Attributes: storage (BaseStorage): the storage object used to lookup files stack (ExitStack): the context manager that combines other context managers and cleanup functions """ def __init__(self, storage: BaseStorage, df_engine="oasis_data_manager.df_reader.reader.OasisPandasReader") -> None: """ The constructor for the Footprint class. Args: storage (BaseStorage): the storage object used to lookup files """
[docs] = storage
[docs] self.stack = ExitStack()
[docs] self.df_engine = df_engine
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.stack.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) @staticmethod
[docs] def get_footprint_fmt_priorities(): """ Get list of footprint file format classes in order of priority. Returns: (list) footprint file format classes """ format_to_class = { 'parquet': FootprintParquet, 'csv': FootprintCsv, 'binZ': FootprintBinZ, 'bin': FootprintBin, 'parquet_dynamic': FootprintParquetDynamic, } priorities = [format_to_class[fmt] for fmt in fp_format_priorities if fmt in format_to_class] return priorities
[docs] def load( cls, storage: BaseStorage, ignore_file_type=set(), df_engine="oasis_data_manager.df_reader.reader.OasisPandasReader", ): """ Loads the loading classes defined in this file checking to see if the files are in the static path whilst doing so. The loading goes through the hierarchy with the following order: -> parquet -> compressed binary file -> binary file -> CSV file -> parquet (with dynamic generation) If the compressed binary file is present, this will be loaded. If it is not, then the binary file will be loaded and so on. Args: storage (BaseStorage): the storage object used to lookup files ignore_file_type (Set[str]): type of file to be skipped in the hierarchy. This can be a choice of: parquet json z bin idx Returns: (Union[FootprintBinZ, FootprintBin, FootprintCsv]) the loaded class """ for footprint_class in cls.get_footprint_fmt_priorities(): for filename in footprint_class.footprint_filenames: if (not storage.exists(filename) or filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] in ignore_file_type): valid = False break else: valid = True if valid: for filename in footprint_class.footprint_filenames: logger.debug(f"loading {filename}") return footprint_class(storage, df_engine=df_engine) else: if storage.isfile("footprint.parquet"): raise OasisFootPrintError( message="footprint.parquet needs to be partitioned in order to work, please see: " "oasislmf.pytools.data_layer.conversions.footprint => convert_bin_to_parquet" ) raise OasisFootPrintError(message="no valid footprint found")
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_df_reader(self, filepath, **kwargs) -> OasisReader: # load the base df engine config and add the connection parameters df_reader_config = clean_config(InputReaderConfig( filepath=filepath, engine=self.df_engine )) df_reader_config["engine"]["options"]["storage"] = return get_df_reader(df_reader_config, **kwargs)
[docs] def prepare_df_data(data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> np.array: """ Reads footprint data from a parquet file. Returns: (np.array) footprint data loaded from the parquet file """ areaperil_id = data_frame["areaperil_id"].to_numpy() intensity_bin_id = data_frame["intensity_bin_id"].to_numpy() probability = data_frame["probability"].to_numpy() buffer = np.empty(len(areaperil_id), dtype=Event) outcome = stitch_data(areaperil_id, intensity_bin_id, probability, buffer) return np.array(outcome, dtype=Event)
[docs] class FootprintCsv(Footprint): """ This class is responsible for loading footprint data from CSV. Attributes (when in context): footprint (np.array[EventCSV]): event data loaded from the CSV file num_intensity_bins (int): number of intensity bins in the data has_intensity_uncertainty (bool): if the data has uncertainty footprint_index (dict): map of footprint IDs with the index in the data """
[docs] footprint_filenames = [csvfootprint_filename]
def __enter__(self): self.reader = self.get_df_reader("footprint.csv", dtype=EventCSV) self.num_intensity_bins = self.reader.query(lambda df: df['intensity_bin_id'].max()) self.has_intensity_uncertainty = self.reader.query( lambda df: df.groupby(['event_id', 'areaperil_id']).size().max() > 1 ) def _fn(df): footprint_index_df = df.groupby('event_id', as_index=False).size() footprint_index_df['offset'] = footprint_index_df['size'].cumsum() - footprint_index_df['size'] footprint_index_df.set_index('event_id', inplace=True) return footprint_index_df self.footprint_index = self.reader.query(_fn).to_dict('index') return self
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """ Gets the event from self.footprint based off the event ID passed in. Args: event_id: (int) the ID belonging to the Event being extracted Returns: (np.array[EventCSV]) the event that was extracted """ event_info = self.footprint_index.get(event_id) if event_info is None: return else: return self.prepare_df_data(self.reader.filter(lambda df: df[df["event_id"] == event_id]).as_pandas())
[docs] class FootprintBin(Footprint): """ This class is responsible loading the event data from the footprint binary files. Attributes (when in context): footprint (mmap.mmap): loaded data from the binary file which has header and then Event data num_intensity_bins (int): number of intensity bins in the data has_intensity_uncertainty (bool): if the data has uncertainty footprint_index (dict): map of footprint IDs with the index in the data """
[docs] footprint_filenames = [footprint_filename, footprint_index_filename]
def __enter__(self): footprint_file = self.stack.enter_context( self.footprint = mmap.mmap(footprint_file.fileno(), length=0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) footprint_header = np.frombuffer(bytearray(self.footprint[:FootprintHeader.size]), dtype=FootprintHeader) self.num_intensity_bins = int(footprint_header['num_intensity_bins']) self.has_intensity_uncertainty = int(footprint_header['has_intensity_uncertainty'] & intensityMask) f = self.stack.enter_context( footprint_mmap = np.memmap(f, dtype=EventIndexBin, mode='r') self.footprint_index = pd.DataFrame( footprint_mmap, columns=footprint_mmap.dtype.names ).set_index('event_id').to_dict('index') return self
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """ Gets the event from self.footprint based off the event ID passed in. Args: event_id: (int) the ID belonging to the Event being extracted Returns: (np.array(Event)) the event that was extracted """ event_info = self.footprint_index.get(event_id) if event_info is None: return else: return np.frombuffer(self.footprint[event_info['offset']: event_info['offset'] + event_info['size']], Event)
[docs] class FootprintBinZ(Footprint): """ This class is responsible for loading event data from compressed event data. Attributes (when in context): zfootprint (mmap.mmap): loaded data from the compressed binary file which has header and then Event data num_intensity_bins (int): number of intensity bins in the data has_intensity_uncertainty (bool): if the data has uncertainty uncompressed_size (int): the size in which the data is when it is decompressed index_dtype (Union[EventIndexBinZ, EventIndexBin]) the data type footprint_index (dict): map of footprint IDs with the index in the data """
[docs] footprint_filenames = [zfootprint_filename, zfootprint_index_filename]
def __enter__(self): zfootprint_file = self.stack.enter_context( self.zfootprint = mmap.mmap(zfootprint_file.fileno(), length=0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) footprint_header = np.frombuffer(bytearray(self.zfootprint[:FootprintHeader.size]), dtype=FootprintHeader) self.num_intensity_bins = int(footprint_header['num_intensity_bins']) self.has_intensity_uncertainty = int(footprint_header['has_intensity_uncertainty'] & intensityMask) self.uncompressed_size = int((footprint_header['has_intensity_uncertainty'] & uncompressedMask) >> 1) if self.uncompressed_size: self.index_dtype = EventIndexBinZ else: self.index_dtype = EventIndexBin f = self.stack.enter_context( zfootprint_mmap = np.memmap(f, dtype=self.index_dtype, mode='r') self.footprint_index = pd.DataFrame(zfootprint_mmap, columns=zfootprint_mmap.dtype.names).set_index('event_id').to_dict('index') return self
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """ Gets the event from self.zfootprint based off the event ID passed in. Args: event_id: (int) the ID belonging to the Event being extracted Returns: (np.array[Event]) the event that was extracted """ event_info = self.footprint_index.get(event_id) if event_info is None: return else: zdata = self.zfootprint[event_info['offset']: event_info['offset'] + event_info['size']] data = decompress(zdata) return np.frombuffer(data, Event)
[docs] class FootprintParquet(Footprint): """ This class is responsible for loading event data from parquet event data. Attributes (when in context): num_intensity_bins (int): number of intensity bins in the data has_intensity_uncertainty (bool): if the data has uncertainty footprint_index (dict): map of footprint IDs with the index in the data """
[docs] footprint_filenames: List[str] = [parquetfootprint_filename, parquetfootprint_meta_filename]
def __enter__(self): with, 'r') as outfile: meta_data: Dict[str, Union[int, bool]] = json.load(outfile) self.num_intensity_bins = int(meta_data['num_intensity_bins']) self.has_intensity_uncertainty = int(meta_data['has_intensity_uncertainty'] & intensityMask) return self
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id: int): """ Gets the event data from the partitioned parquet data file. Args: event_id: (int) the ID belonging to the Event being extracted Returns: (np.array[Event]) the event that was extracted """ reader = self.get_df_reader("footprint.parquet", filters=[("event_id", "==", event_id)]) numpy_data = self.prepare_df_data(data_frame=reader.as_pandas()) return numpy_data
[docs] class FootprintParquetDynamic(Footprint): """ This class is responsible for loading event data from parquet dynamic event sets and maps It will build the footprint from the underlying event defintion and hazard case files Attributes (when in context): num_intensity_bins (int): number of intensity bins in the data has_intensity_uncertainty (bool): if the data has uncertainty. Only "no" is supported return periods (list): the list of return periods in the model. Not currently used """
[docs] footprint_filenames: List[str] = [event_defintion_filename, hazard_case_filename, parquetfootprint_meta_filename]
def __enter__(self): with, 'r') as outfile: meta_data: Dict[str, Union[int, bool]] = json.load(outfile) self.num_intensity_bins = int(meta_data['num_intensity_bins']) self.has_intensity_uncertainty = int(meta_data['has_intensity_uncertainty'] & intensityMask) self.df_location_sections = pd.read_csv('input/sections.csv') self.location_sections = set(list(self.df_location_sections['section_id'])) self.location_apids = pd.read_csv('input/items.csv', usecols=['areaperil_id']).areaperil_id.unique() self.location_apids = pd.read_csv('input/keys.csv', usecols=['AreaPerilID']).AreaPerilID.unique() return self
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id: int): """ Gets the event data from the partitioned parquet data file. Args: event_id: (int) the ID belonging to the Event being extracted Returns: (np.array[Event]) the event that was extracted """ event_defintion_reader = self.get_df_reader(event_defintion_filename, filters=[("event_id", "==", event_id)]) df_event_defintion = event_defintion_reader.as_pandas() event_sections = list(df_event_defintion['section_id']) sections = list(set(event_sections) & self.location_sections) if len(sections) > 0: hazard_case_reader = self.get_df_reader(hazard_case_filename, filters=[("section_id", "in", sections)]) df_hazard_case = hazard_case_reader.as_pandas() df_hazard_case = df_hazard_case[df_hazard_case['areaperil_id'].isin(self.location_apids)] from_cols = ['areaperil_id', 'intensity'] to_cols = from_cols + ['interpolation', 'return_period'] df_hazard_case_from = df_hazard_case.merge( df_event_defintion, left_on=['section_id', 'return_period'], right_on=['section_id', 'rp_from'])[from_cols].rename( columns={'intensity': 'from_intensity'}) df_hazard_case_to = df_hazard_case.merge( df_event_defintion, left_on=['section_id', 'return_period'], right_on=['section_id', 'rp_to'])[to_cols].rename( columns={'intensity': 'to_intensity'}) df_footprint = df_hazard_case_from.merge(df_hazard_case_to, on='areaperil_id', how='outer') df_footprint['from_intensity'] = df_footprint['from_intensity'].fillna(0) if len(df_footprint.index) > 0: df_footprint['intensity'] = np.floor(df_footprint.from_intensity + ( (df_footprint.to_intensity - df_footprint.from_intensity) * df_footprint.interpolation)) df_footprint['intensity'] = df_footprint['intensity'].astype('int') intensity_bin_dict = pd.read_csv('static/intensity_bin_dict.csv') intensity_bin_dict.rename(columns={'intensity_bin': 'intensity_bin_id'}, inplace=True) df_footprint = df_footprint.merge(intensity_bin_dict, on='intensity') df_footprint['probability'] = 1 else: df_footprint.loc[:, 'intensity'] = [] df_footprint.loc[:, 'intensity_bin_id'] = [] df_footprint.loc[:, 'probability'] = [] numpy_data = np.empty(len(df_footprint), dtype=EventDynamic) for column in ['areaperil_id', 'intensity_bin_id', 'intensity', 'probability', 'return_period']: numpy_data[:][column] = df_footprint[column].to_numpy() return numpy_data
[docs] def stitch_data(areaperil_id, intensity_bin_id, probability, buffer): """ Creates a list of tuples from three np.arrays (all inputs must be the same length). Args: areaperil_id: (np.array) list of areaperil IDs intensity_bin_id: (np.array) list of probability bin IDs probability: (np.array) list of probabilities buffer: (np.array[Event]) list of zeros to be populated with the previous lists Returns: """ for x in range(0, len(buffer)): buffer[x]['areaperil_id'] = areaperil_id[x] buffer[x]['intensity_bin_id'] = intensity_bin_id[x] buffer[x]['probability'] = probability[x] return buffer