This file contains specific functionality needed for aggregate vulnerabilities.
import logging
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import njit
from numba.typed import Dict, List
from numba.types import int32 as nb_int32
from numba.types import uint32 as nb_uint32
from numba.types import float32 as nb_float32
from oasis_data_manager.filestore.backends.base import BaseStorage
from oasislmf.pytools.common.data import areaperil_int
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE = nb.types.Tuple((nb.from_dtype(areaperil_int), nb.types.int32))
AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE = nb.types.float32
AggregateVulnerability = nb.from_dtype(np.dtype([('aggregate_vulnerability_id', np.int32),
('vulnerability_id', np.int32), ]))
VulnerabilityWeight = nb.from_dtype(np.dtype([('areaperil_id', np.int32),
('vulnerability_id', np.int32),
('weight', np.float32)]))
def gen_empty_agg_vuln_to_vuln_ids():
"""Generate empty map to store the definitions of aggregate vulnerability functions.
dict[int, list[int]]: map of aggregate vulnerability id to list of vulnerability ids.
return Dict.empty(nb_int32, List.empty_list(nb_int32))
def gen_empty_areaperil_vuln_ids_to_weights():
"""Generate empty map to store the weights of individual vulnerability functions in each aggregate vulnerability.
dict[AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE, AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE]: map of areaperil_id, vulnerability id to weight.
def read_aggregate_vulnerability(storage: BaseStorage, ignore_file_type=set()):
"""Load the aggregate vulnerability definitions from file.
storage: (BaseStorage) the storage manager for fetching model data
ignore_file_type (Set[str]): file extension to ignore when loading.
np.array[AggregateVulnerability]: aggregate vulnerability table.
input_files = set(storage.listdir())
if "aggregate_vulnerability.bin" in input_files and "bin" not in ignore_file_type:
logger.debug(f"loading {storage.get_storage_url('aggregate_vulnerability.bin', encode_params=False)}")
with storage.open('aggregate_vulnerability.bin') as f:
aggregate_vulnerability = np.memmap(f, dtype=AggregateVulnerability, mode='r')
elif "aggregate_vulnerability.csv" in input_files and "csv" not in ignore_file_type:
logger.debug(f"loading {storage.get_storage_url('aggregate_vulnerability.csv', encode_params=False)}")
with storage.open('aggregate_vulnerability.csv') as f:
aggregate_vulnerability = np.loadtxt(f, dtype=AggregateVulnerability, delimiter=",", skiprows=1, ndmin=1)
aggregate_vulnerability = None
f"Aggregate vulnerability table not found at {storage.get_storage_url('', encode_params=False)[0]}. Continuing without aggregate vulnerability definitions.")
return aggregate_vulnerability
def read_vulnerability_weights(storage: BaseStorage, ignore_file_type=set()):
"""Load the vulnerability weights definitions from file.
storage: (BaseStorage) the storage manager for fetching model data
ignore_file_type (Set[str]): file extension to ignore when loading.
np.array[VulnerabilityWeight]: vulnerability weights table.
input_files = set(storage.listdir())
if "weights.bin" in input_files and "bin" not in ignore_file_type:
logger.debug(f"loading {storage.get_storage_url('weights.bin', encode_params=False)}")
with storage.open("weights.bin") as f:
aggregate_weights = np.memmap(f, dtype=VulnerabilityWeight, mode='r')
elif "weights.csv" in input_files and "csv" not in ignore_file_type:
logger.debug(f"loading {storage.get_storage_url('weights.csv', encode_params=False)}")
with storage.open("weights.csv") as f:
aggregate_weights = np.loadtxt(f, dtype=VulnerabilityWeight, delimiter=",", skiprows=1, ndmin=1)
aggregate_weights = None
f"Vulnerability weights not found at {storage.get_storage_url('', encode_params=False)[0]}. Continuing without vulnerability weights definitions.")
return aggregate_weights
def process_aggregate_vulnerability(aggregate_vulnerability):
"""Rearrange aggregate vulnerability definitions from tabular format to a map between aggregate
vulnerability id and the list of vulnerability ids that it is made of.
aggregate_vulnerability (np.array[AggregateVulnerability]): aggregate vulnerability table.
dict[int, list[int]]: map of aggregate vulnerability id to list of vulnerability ids.
agg_vuln_to_vuln_id = gen_empty_agg_vuln_to_vuln_ids()
if aggregate_vulnerability is not None:
agg_vuln_df = pd.DataFrame(aggregate_vulnerability)
# init agg_vuln_to_vuln_id to allow numba to compile later functions
# vulnerability_id and aggregate_vulnerability_id are remapped to the internal ids
# using the vulnd_dict map that contains only the vulnerability_id used in this portfolio.
# here we read all aggregate vulnerability_id, then, after processing the items file,
# we will filter out the aggregate vulnerability that are not used in this portfolio.
for agg, grp in agg_vuln_df.groupby('aggregate_vulnerability_id'):
agg_vuln_id = nb_int32(agg)
if agg_vuln_id not in agg_vuln_to_vuln_id:
agg_vuln_to_vuln_id[agg_vuln_id] = List.empty_list(nb_int32)
for entry in grp['vulnerability_id'].to_list():
return agg_vuln_to_vuln_id
def process_vulnerability_weights(aggregate_weights, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id):
"""Rearrange vulnerability weights from tabular format to a map between (areaperil_id, vulnerability_id) and the vulnerability weight.
aggregate_weights (np.array[VulnerabilityWeight]): vulnerability weights table.
agg_vuln_to_vuln_id (dict[int, list[int]]): map of aggregate vulnerability id to list of vulnerability ids.
dict[AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE, AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE]: map of areaperil_id, vulnerability id to weight.
areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight = gen_empty_areaperil_vuln_ids_to_weights()
if aggregate_weights is not None:
agg_weight_df = pd.DataFrame(aggregate_weights)
if len(agg_vuln_to_vuln_id) > 0:
# at least one aggregate vulnerability is defined
for agg, grp in agg_weight_df.groupby(['areaperil_id', 'vulnerability_id']):
areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight[(nb_uint32(agg[0]), nb_int32(agg[1]))] = nb_float32(grp['weight'].to_list()[0])
return areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight
def map_agg_vuln_ids_to_agg_vuln_idxs(agg_vulns, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id, vuln_dict):
"""For each aggregate vulnerability listed in `agg_vulns`, map the individual vulnerability_ids that compose it
to the indices where they are stored in `vuln_array`.
agg_vulns (List[int32])
agg_vuln_to_vuln_id (dict[int, list[int]]): map of aggregate vulnerability id to list of vulnerability ids.
vuln_dict (Tuple[Dict[int, int]): vulnerability dictionary.
dict[int, list[int]]: map between aggregate vulnerability id and the list of indices where the individual vulnerability_ids
that compose it are stored in `vuln_array`.
agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs = Dict.empty(nb_int32, List.empty_list(nb_int32))
for agg in agg_vulns:
agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs[agg] = List([vuln_dict[vuln] for vuln in agg_vuln_to_vuln_id[agg]])
return agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs
def map_areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight_to_areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight(areaperil_to_vulns, areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight, vuln_dict):
"""Make map between aggregate vulnerability id and the list of sub-vulnerability ids of which they are composed, where the
value of the sub-vulnerability id is the internal pointer (i.e., the index, startinf from 0) to the dense array where they are stored,
not the vulnerability id (which starts from 1).
areaperil_to_vulns (List[int32])
areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight (dict[AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE, AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE]): map of areaperil_id, vulnerability id to weight.
vuln_dict (Tuple[Dict[int, int]): vulnerability dictionary.
dict[AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE, AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE]: map between the areaperil id and the index where the vulnerability function
is stored in `vuln_array` and the vulnerability weight.
areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight = Dict.empty(AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE, AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE)
if len(areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight) > 0:
for ap in areaperil_to_vulns:
for vuln in areaperil_to_vulns[ap]:
if tuple((ap, vuln)) in areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight:
# if the weights file contains this definition, add this entry to the map.
# otherwise, the weight of this (areaperil_id, vulnerability_id) is assumed to be zero during loss calculation.
areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight[tuple((ap, vuln_dict[vuln]))] = areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight[tuple((ap, vuln))]
return areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight