Source code for oasislmf.pytools.gulmc.manager

import atexit
import logging
import os
import sys
from contextlib import ExitStack
from pathlib import Path
from select import select

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import pandas as pd
from numba import njit
from numba.typed import Dict, List
from numba.types import Tuple as nb_Tuple
from numba.types import int32 as nb_int32
from numba.types import int64 as nb_int64

from oasis_data_manager.filestore.config import get_storage_from_config_path
from import nb_areaperil_int, oasis_float
from oasislmf.pytools.common.event_stream import PIPE_CAPACITY
from oasislmf.pytools.data_layer.footprint_layer import FootprintLayerClient
from oasislmf.pytools.data_layer.oasis_files.correlations import Correlation, read_correlations
from oasislmf.pytools.getmodel.footprint import Footprint
from oasislmf.pytools.getmodel.manager import get_damage_bins, get_vulns, get_vuln_rngadj_dict, convert_vuln_id_to_index, get_intensity_bin_dict
from oasislmf.pytools.gul.common import MAX_LOSS_IDX, CHANCE_OF_LOSS_IDX, TIV_IDX, STD_DEV_IDX, MEAN_IDX, NUM_IDX
from oasislmf.pytools.gul.core import compute_mean_loss, get_gul
from oasislmf.pytools.gul.manager import get_coverages, write_losses, adjust_byte_mv_size
from oasislmf.pytools.gul.random import (compute_norm_cdf_lookup, compute_norm_inv_cdf_lookup,
                                         generate_correlated_hash_vector, generate_hash,
                                         generate_hash_hazard, get_corr_rval, get_random_generator)
from oasislmf.pytools.gul.utils import binary_search
from oasislmf.pytools.gulmc.aggregate import (
    process_aggregate_vulnerability, process_vulnerability_weights, read_aggregate_vulnerability,
from oasislmf.pytools.gulmc.common import (AREAPERIL_TO_EFF_VULN_KEY_TYPE,
                                           Item, Keys, ItemAdjustment,
                                           NormInversionParameters, coverage_type, gul_header,
                                           gulSampleslevelHeader_size, gulSampleslevelRec_size,
                                           haz_cdf_type, items_MC_data_type)
from oasislmf.pytools.gulmc.items import generate_item_map, process_items, read_items
from oasislmf.pytools.utils import redirect_logging

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] VULN_LOOKUP_KEY_TYPE = nb_Tuple((nb_int32, nb_int32))
[docs] VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE = nb_Tuple((nb_int32, nb_int32))
[docs] def gen_empty_vuln_cdf_lookup(list_size): """Generate structures needed to store and retrieve vulnerability cdf in the cache. Args: list_size (int): maximum number of cdfs to be stored in the cache. Returns: cached_vuln_cdf_lookup (Dict[VULN_LOOKUP_KEY_TYPE, VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE]): dict to store the map between vuln_id and intensity bin id and the location of the cdf in the cache. cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys (List[VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE]): list of lookup keys. """ cached_vuln_cdf_lookup = Dict.empty(VULN_LOOKUP_KEY_TYPE, VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE) cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys = List.empty_list(VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE) dummy = tuple((nb_int32(-1), nb_int32(-1))) for _ in range(list_size): cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys.append(dummy) return cached_vuln_cdf_lookup, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys
[docs] def get_dynamic_footprint_adjustments(input_path): """Generate intensity adjustment array for dynamic footprint models. Args: input_path (str): location of the generated adjustments file. Returns: numpy array with itemid and adjustment factors """ adjustments_fn = os.path.join(input_path, 'item_adjustments.csv') if os.path.isfile(adjustments_fn): adjustments_tb = np.loadtxt(adjustments_fn, dtype=ItemAdjustment, delimiter=",", skiprows=1, ndmin=1) else: items_fp = os.path.join(input_path, 'items.csv') items_tb = np.loadtxt(items_fp, dtype=Item, delimiter=",", skiprows=1, ndmin=1) adjustments_tb = np.array([(i[0], 0, 0) for i in items_tb], dtype=ItemAdjustment) return adjustments_tb
[docs] def run(run_dir, ignore_file_type, sample_size, loss_threshold, alloc_rule, debug, random_generator, peril_filter=[], file_in=None, file_out=None, data_server=None, ignore_correlation=False, ignore_haz_correlation=False, effective_damageability=False, max_cached_vuln_cdf_size_MB=200, model_df_engine="oasis_data_manager.df_reader.reader.OasisPandasReader", dynamic_footprint=False, **kwargs): """Execute the main gulmc worklow. Args: run_dir (str): the directory of where the process is running ignore_file_type set(str): file extension to ignore when loading sample_size (int): number of random samples to draw. loss_threshold (float): threshold above which losses are printed to the output stream. alloc_rule (int): back-allocation rule. debug (int): for each random sample, print to the output stream the random loss (if 0), the random value used to draw the hazard intensity sample (if 1), the random value used to draw the damage sample (if 2). Defaults to 0. random_generator (int): random generator function id. peril_filter (list[int], optional): list of perils to include in the computation (if None, all perils will be included). Defaults to []. file_in (str, optional): filename of input stream. Defaults to None. file_out (str, optional): filename of output stream. Defaults to None. data_server (bool, optional): if True, run the data server. Defaults to None. ignore_correlation (bool, optional): if True, do not compute correlated random samples. Defaults to False. effective_damageability (bool, optional): if True, it uses effective damageability to draw damage samples instead of using the full monte carlo approach (i.e., to draw hazard intensity first, then damage). max_cached_vuln_cdf_size_MB (int, optional): size in MB of the in-memory cache to store and reuse vulnerability cdf. Defaults to 200. model_df_engine: (str) The engine to use when loading model dataframes Raises: ValueError: if alloc_rule is not 0, 1, 2, or 3. ValueError: if alloc_rule is 1, 2, or 3 when debug is 1 or 2. Returns: int: 0 if no errors occurred. """"starting gulmc") model_storage = get_storage_from_config_path( os.path.join(run_dir, 'model_storage.json'), os.path.join(run_dir, 'static'), ) input_path = os.path.join(run_dir, 'input') ignore_file_type = set(ignore_file_type) if alloc_rule not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError(f"Expect alloc_rule to be 0, 1, 2, or 3, got {alloc_rule}") if debug > 0 and alloc_rule != 0: raise ValueError(f"Expect alloc_rule to be 0 if debug is 1 or 2, got {alloc_rule}") if data_server: logger.debug("data server active") FootprintLayerClient.register() logger.debug("registered with data server") atexit.register(FootprintLayerClient.unregister) else: logger.debug("data server not active") with ExitStack() as stack: if file_in is None: streams_in = sys.stdin.buffer else: streams_in = stack.enter_context(open(file_in, 'rb')) event_id_mv = memoryview(bytearray(4)) event_ids = np.ndarray(1, buffer=event_id_mv, dtype='i4') # load keys.csv to determine included AreaPerilID from peril_filter if peril_filter: keys_df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(input_path, 'keys.csv'), dtype=Keys) valid_area_peril_id = keys_df.loc[keys_df['PerilID'].isin(peril_filter), 'AreaPerilID'].to_numpy() logger.debug( f'Peril specific run: ({peril_filter}), {len(valid_area_peril_id)} AreaPerilID included out of {len(keys_df)}') else: valid_area_peril_id = None logger.debug('import damage bins') damage_bins = get_damage_bins(model_storage, ignore_file_type) logger.debug('import coverages') # coverages are numbered from 1, therefore we skip element 0 in `coverages` coverages_tb = get_coverages(input_path, ignore_file_type) coverages = np.zeros(coverages_tb.shape[0] + 1, coverage_type) coverages[1:]['tiv'] = coverages_tb # prepare for stochastic disaggregation logger.debug('import aggregate vulnerability definitions and vulnerability weights') aggregate_vulnerability = read_aggregate_vulnerability(model_storage, ignore_file_type) aggregate_weights = read_vulnerability_weights(model_storage, ignore_file_type) agg_vuln_to_vuln_id = process_aggregate_vulnerability(aggregate_vulnerability) if aggregate_vulnerability is not None and aggregate_weights is None: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Vulnerability weights file not found at {model_storage.get_storage_url('', print_safe=True)[1]}" ) # create map of weights by (areaperil_id, vuln_id) areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight = process_vulnerability_weights(aggregate_weights, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id) logger.debug('import items and correlations tables') # since items and correlations have the same granularity (one row per item_id) we merge them on `item_id`. correlations_tb = read_correlations(input_path, ignore_file_type) items_tb = read_items(input_path, ignore_file_type) if len(correlations_tb) != len(items_tb): f"The items table has length {len(items_tb)} while the correlations table has length {len(correlations_tb)}.\n" "It is possible that the correlations are not set up properly in the model settings file." ) # merge the tables, using defaults for missing values, and sort the resulting table items = rfn.join_by( 'item_id', items_tb, correlations_tb, jointype='leftouter', usemask=False, defaults={'peril_correlation_group': 0, 'damage_correlation_value': 0., 'hazard_group_id': 0, 'hazard_correlation_value': 0.} ) items.sort(order=['areaperil_id', 'vulnerability_id']) # build item map item_map, areaperil_ids_map = generate_item_map(items, coverages) # import array to store the coverages to be computed # coverages are numebered from 1, therefore skip element 0. compute = np.zeros(coverages.shape[0] + 1, Item.dtype['coverage_id']) logger.debug('import peril correlation groups') unique_peril_correlation_groups = np.unique(items['peril_correlation_group']) Nperil_correlation_groups = unique_peril_correlation_groups.shape[0]"Detected {Nperil_correlation_groups} peril correlation groups.") vuln_dict, areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict, areaperil_to_vulns_idx_array, areaperil_to_vulns, areaperil_dict, used_agg_vuln_ids = process_items( items, valid_area_peril_id, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id) logger.debug('import footprint') footprint_obj = stack.enter_context(Footprint.load(model_storage, ignore_file_type, df_engine=model_df_engine)) if data_server: num_intensity_bins: int = FootprintLayerClient.get_number_of_intensity_bins()"got {num_intensity_bins} intensity bins from server") else: num_intensity_bins: int = footprint_obj.num_intensity_bins logger.debug('import vulnerabilities') vuln_adj_dict = get_vuln_rngadj_dict(run_dir, vuln_dict) vuln_array, _, _ = get_vulns(model_storage, run_dir, vuln_dict, num_intensity_bins, ignore_file_type, df_engine=model_df_engine) Nvulnerability, Ndamage_bins_max, Nintensity_bins = vuln_array.shape convert_vuln_id_to_index(vuln_dict, areaperil_to_vulns) logger.debug('reconstruct aggregate vulnerability definitions and weights') # map each vulnerability_id composing aggregate vulnerabilities to the indices where they are stored in vuln_array # here we filter out aggregate vulnerability that are not used in this portfolio, therefore # agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs can contain less aggregate vulnerability ids compared to agg_vuln_to_vuln_id agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs = map_agg_vuln_ids_to_agg_vuln_idxs(used_agg_vuln_ids, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id, vuln_dict) # remap (areaperil, vuln_id) to weights to (areaperil, vuln_idx) to weights areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight = map_areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight_to_areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight( areaperil_dict, areaperil_vuln_id_to_weight, vuln_dict) # set up streams if file_out is None or file_out == '-': stream_out = sys.stdout.buffer else: stream_out = stack.enter_context(open(file_out, 'wb')) select_stream_list = [stream_out] # prepare output stream stream_out.write(gul_header) stream_out.write(np.int32(sample_size).tobytes()) cursor = 0 # set the random generator function generate_rndm = get_random_generator(random_generator) # create the array to store the seeds haz_seeds = np.zeros(len(np.unique(items['hazard_group_id'])), dtype=Correlation.dtype['hazard_group_id']) vuln_seeds = np.zeros(len(np.unique(items['group_id'])), dtype=Item.dtype['group_id']) # haz correlation do_haz_correlation = False if ignore_haz_correlation:"correlated random number generation for hazard intensity sampling: switched OFF because --ignore-haz-correlation is True.") else: if Nperil_correlation_groups > 0 and any(items['hazard_correlation_value'] > 0): do_haz_correlation = True else:"correlated random number generation for hazard intensity sampling: switched OFF because 0 peril correlation groups were detected or " "the hazard correlation value is zero for all peril correlation groups.") # damage correlation do_correlation = False if ignore_correlation:"correlated random number generation for damage sampling: switched OFF because --ignore-correlation is True.") else: if Nperil_correlation_groups > 0 and any(items['damage_correlation_value'] > 0): do_correlation = True else:"correlated random number generation for damage sampling: switched OFF because 0 peril correlation groups were detected or " "the damage correlation value is zero for all peril correlation groups.") if do_correlation or do_haz_correlation:"correlated random number generation for hazard intensity sampling: switched {'ON' if do_haz_correlation else 'OFF'}.")"Correlated random number generation for damage sampling: switched {'ON' if do_correlation else 'OFF'}.")"Correlation values for {Nperil_correlation_groups} peril correlation groups have been imported.") # pre-compute lookup tables for the Gaussian cdf and inverse cdf # Notes: # - the size `N` can be increased to achieve better resolution in the Gaussian cdf and inv cdf. # - the function `get_corr_rval` to compute the correlated numbers is not affected by N. norm_inv_parameters = np.array((1e-16, 1 - 1e-16, 1000000, -20., 20.), dtype=NormInversionParameters) norm_inv_cdf = compute_norm_inv_cdf_lookup(norm_inv_parameters['x_min'], norm_inv_parameters['x_max'], norm_inv_parameters['N']) norm_cdf = compute_norm_cdf_lookup(norm_inv_parameters['cdf_min'], norm_inv_parameters['cdf_max'], norm_inv_parameters['N']) # buffer to be re-used to store all the correlated random values z_unif = np.zeros(sample_size, dtype='float64') else: # create dummy data structures with proper dtypes to allow correct numba compilation norm_inv_parameters = np.array((0., 0., 0, 0., 0.), dtype=NormInversionParameters) norm_inv_cdf, norm_cdf = np.zeros(1, dtype='float64'), np.zeros(1, dtype='float64') z_unif = np.zeros(1, dtype='float64') if effective_damageability is True:"effective_damageability is True: gulmc will draw the damage samples from the effective damageability distribution.") else:"effective_damageability is False: gulmc will perform the full Monte Carlo sampling: " "sample the hazard intensity first, then sample the damage from the corresponding vulnerability function.") # create buffers to be reused when computing losses byte_mv = np.empty(PIPE_CAPACITY * 2, dtype='b') losses = np.zeros((sample_size + NUM_IDX + 1, np.max(coverages[1:]['max_items'])), dtype=oasis_float) vuln_cdf_empty = np.zeros(Ndamage_bins_max, dtype=oasis_float) weighted_vuln_cdf_empty = np.zeros(Ndamage_bins_max, dtype=oasis_float) # maximum bytes to be written in the output stream for 1 item max_bytes_per_item = gulSampleslevelHeader_size + (sample_size + NUM_IDX + 1) * gulSampleslevelRec_size # define vulnerability cdf cache size max_cached_vuln_cdf_size_bytes = max_cached_vuln_cdf_size_MB * 1024 * 1024 # cahce size in bytes max_Nnumbers_cached_vuln_cdf = max_cached_vuln_cdf_size_bytes // oasis_float.itemsize # total numbers that can fit in the cache max_Nvulnerability_cached_vuln_cdf = max_Nnumbers_cached_vuln_cdf // Ndamage_bins_max # max number of vulnerability funcions that can be stored in cache # number of vulnerability functions to be cached Nvulns_cached = min(Nvulnerability * Nintensity_bins, max_Nvulnerability_cached_vuln_cdf)"max vulnerability cdf cache size is {max_cached_vuln_cdf_size_MB}MB") f"generating a cache of shape ({Nvulns_cached}, {Ndamage_bins_max}) and size {Nvulns_cached * Ndamage_bins_max * oasis_float.itemsize / 1024 / 1024:8.3f}MB") # maximum bytes to be written in the output stream for 1 item event_footprint_obj = FootprintLayerClient if data_server else footprint_obj if dynamic_footprint: intensity_bin_dict = get_intensity_bin_dict(os.path.join(run_dir, 'static')) else: intensity_bin_dict = Dict.empty(nb_int32, nb_int32) dynamic_footprint = None # intensity adjustment logger.debug('get dynamic footprint adjustments') adjustments_tb = get_dynamic_footprint_adjustments(input_path) items = rfn.join_by( 'item_id', items, adjustments_tb, jointype='leftouter', usemask=False, defaults={'intensity_adjustment': 0, 'return_period': 0} ) items.sort(order=['areaperil_id', 'vulnerability_id']) while True: if not streams_in.readinto(event_id_mv): break # get the next event_id from the input stream event_id = event_ids[0] event_footprint = event_footprint_obj.get_event(event_id) if event_footprint is not None: areaperil_ids, Nhaz_cdf_this_event, areaperil_to_haz_cdf, haz_cdf, haz_cdf_ptr, eff_vuln_cdf, areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf = process_areaperils_in_footprint( event_footprint, vuln_array, areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict, areaperil_to_vulns_idx_array, areaperil_to_vulns, dynamic_footprint) if Nhaz_cdf_this_event == 0: # no items to be computed for this event continue compute_i, items_event_data, rng_index, hazard_rng_index = reconstruct_coverages(event_id, areaperil_ids, areaperil_ids_map, areaperil_to_haz_cdf, item_map, items, coverages, compute, haz_seeds, vuln_seeds ) # generation of "base" random values for hazard intensity and vulnerability sampling haz_rndms_base = generate_rndm(haz_seeds[:hazard_rng_index], sample_size) vuln_rndms_base = generate_rndm(vuln_seeds[:rng_index], sample_size) if do_haz_correlation: haz_corr_seeds = generate_correlated_hash_vector(unique_peril_correlation_groups, event_id) haz_eps_ij = generate_rndm(haz_corr_seeds, sample_size, skip_seeds=1) else: # create dummy data structures with proper dtypes to allow correct numba compilation haz_corr_seeds = np.zeros(1, dtype='int64') haz_eps_ij = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype='float64') # generate the correlated samples for the whole event, for all peril correlation groups if do_correlation: corr_seeds = generate_correlated_hash_vector(unique_peril_correlation_groups, event_id) eps_ij = generate_rndm(corr_seeds, sample_size, skip_seeds=1) else: # create dummy data structures with proper dtypes to allow correct numba compilation eps_ij = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype='float64') last_processed_coverage_ids_idx = 0 byte_mv = adjust_byte_mv_size(byte_mv, np.max(coverages['cur_items']) * max_bytes_per_item) # create vulnerability cdf cache cached_vuln_cdfs = np.zeros((Nvulns_cached, Ndamage_bins_max), dtype=oasis_float) cached_vuln_cdf_lookup, lookup_keys = gen_empty_vuln_cdf_lookup(Nvulns_cached) next_cached_vuln_cdf = 0 while last_processed_coverage_ids_idx < compute_i: cursor, last_processed_coverage_ids_idx, next_cached_vuln_cdf = compute_event_losses( event_id, coverages, compute[:compute_i], items_event_data, items, last_processed_coverage_ids_idx, sample_size, haz_cdf, haz_cdf_ptr, areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf, eff_vuln_cdf, vuln_array, damage_bins, Ndamage_bins_max, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup, lookup_keys, next_cached_vuln_cdf, cached_vuln_cdfs, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id, agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs, vuln_dict, areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight, loss_threshold, losses, vuln_cdf_empty, weighted_vuln_cdf_empty, alloc_rule, do_correlation, do_haz_correlation, haz_rndms_base, vuln_rndms_base, vuln_adj_dict, haz_eps_ij, eps_ij, norm_inv_parameters, norm_inv_cdf, norm_cdf, z_unif, effective_damageability, debug, max_bytes_per_item, byte_mv, cursor, dynamic_footprint, intensity_bin_dict ) # write the losses to the output stream write_start = 0 while write_start < cursor: select([], select_stream_list, select_stream_list) write_start += stream_out.write(byte_mv[write_start:cursor].tobytes()) cursor = 0"event {event_id} DONE") return 0
@njit(cache=True, fastmath=True)
[docs] def compute_event_losses(event_id, coverages, coverage_ids, items_event_data, items, last_processed_coverage_ids_idx, sample_size, haz_cdf, haz_cdf_ptr, areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf, eff_vuln_cdf, vuln_array, damage_bins, Ndamage_bins_max, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys, next_cached_vuln_cdf, cached_vuln_cdfs, agg_vuln_to_vuln_id, agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs, vuln_dict, areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight, loss_threshold, losses, vuln_cdf_empty, weighted_vuln_cdf_empty, alloc_rule, do_correlation, do_haz_correlation, haz_rndms_base, vuln_rndms_base, vuln_adj_dict, haz_eps_ij, eps_ij, norm_inv_parameters, norm_inv_cdf, norm_cdf, z_unif, effective_damageability, debug, max_bytes_per_item, byte_mv, cursor, dynamic_footprint, intensity_bin_dict ): """Compute losses for an event. Args: event_id (int32): event id. coverages (numpy.array[oasis_float]): array with the coverage values for each coverage_id. coverage_ids (numpy.array[int]): array of unique coverage ids used in this event. items_data (numpy.array[items_data_type]): items-related data. items (np.ndarray): items table merged with correlation parameters. last_processed_coverage_ids_idx (int): index of the last coverage_id stored in `coverage_ids` that was fully processed and printed to the output stream. sample_size (int): number of random samples to draw. haz_cdf (np.array[oasis_float]): hazard intensity cdf. haz_cdf_ptr (np.array[int]): array with the indices where each cdf record starts in `haz_cdf`. areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf (dict[ITEM_MAP_KEY_TYPE_internal, int]): map between `(areaperil_id, vuln_idx)` and the location where the effective damageability function is stored in `eff_vuln_cdf`. eff_vuln_cdf (np.array[oasis_float]): effective damageability cdf. vuln_array (np.array[float]): damage pdf for different vulnerability functions, as a function of hazard intensity. damage_bins (List[Union[damagebindictionaryCsv, damagebindictionary]]): loaded data from the damage_bin_dict file. Ndamage_bins_max (int): maximum number of damage bins. cached_vuln_cdf_lookup (Dict[VULN_LOOKUP_KEY_TYPE, VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE]): dict to store the map between vuln_id and intensity bin id and the location of the cdf in the cache. cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys (List[VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE]): list of lookup keys. next_cached_vuln_cdf (int): index of the next free slot in the vuln cdf cache. cached_vuln_cdfs (np.array[oasis_float]): vulnerability cdf cache. agg_vuln_to_vuln_id (dict[int, list[int]]): map of aggregate vulnerability id to list of vulnerability ids. agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs (dict[int, list[int]]): map between aggregate vulnerability id and the list of indices where the individual vulnerability_ids that compose it are stored in `vuln_array`. vuln_dict (Dict[int, int]): map between vulnerability_id and the index where the vulnerability function is stored in vuln_array. areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight (dict[AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_KEY_TYPE, AGG_VULN_WEIGHTS_VAL_TYPE]): map between the areaperil id and the index where the vulnerability function is stored in `vuln_array` and the vulnerability weight. loss_threshold (float): threshold above which losses are printed to the output stream. losses (numpy.array[oasis_float]): array (to be re-used) to store losses for each item. vuln_cdf_empty (numpy.array[oasis_float]): array (to be re-used) to store vulnerability cdf. weighted_vuln_cdf_empty (numpy.array[oasis_float]): array (to be re-used) to store the weighted vulnerability cdf. alloc_rule (int): back-allocation rule. do_correlation (bool): if True, compute correlated random samples of damage. do_haz_correlation (bool): if True, compute correlated random samples of hazard intensity. haz_rndms_base (numpy.array[float64]): 2d array of shape (number of seeds, sample_size) storing the random values drawn for each seed for the hazard intensity sampling. vuln_rndms_base (numpy.array[float64]): 2d array of shape (number of seeds, sample_size) storing the random values drawn for each seed for the damage sampling. vuln_adj_dict (dict[int, float]): map between vulnerability_id and the adjustment factor to be applied to the (random numbers extracted) vulnerability function. haz_eps_ij (np.array[float]): correlated random values of shape `(number of seeds, sample_size)` for hazard sampling. eps_ij (np.array[float]): correlated random values of shape `(number of seeds, sample_size)` for damage sampling. norm_inv_parameters (NormInversionParameters): parameters for the Normal (Gaussian) inversion functionality. norm_inv_cdf (np.array[float]): inverse Gaussian cdf. norm_cdf (np.array[float]): Gaussian cdf. z_unif (np.array[float]): buffer to be re-used to store all the correlated random values. effective_damageability (bool): if True, it uses effective damageability to draw damage samples instead of using the full monte carlo approach (i.e., to draw hazard intensity first, then damage). debug (int): for each random sample, print to the output stream the random loss (if 0), the random value used to draw the hazard intensity sample (if 1), the random value used to draw the damage sample (if 2). max_bytes_per_item (int): maximum bytes to be written in the output stream for an item. byte_mv (numpy.array): byte view of where the output is buffered. cursor (int): index of byte_mv where to start writing. Returns: cursor (int): index of byte_mv where to data has been written. last_processed_coverage_ids_idx (int): index of the last coverage_id stored in `coverage_ids` that was fully processed and printed to the output stream. next_cached_vuln_cdf (int): index of the next free slot in the vuln cdf cache. """ # loop through all the coverages that remain to be computed for coverage_i in range(last_processed_coverage_ids_idx, coverage_ids.shape[0]): coverage = coverages[coverage_ids[coverage_i]] tiv = coverage['tiv'] Nitems = coverage['cur_items'] exposureValue = tiv / Nitems # estimate max number of bytes needed to output this coverage # conservatively assume all random samples are printed (losses>loss_threshold) est_cursor_bytes = Nitems * max_bytes_per_item # return before processing this coverage if the number of free bytes left in the buffer # is not sufficient to write out the full coverage if cursor + est_cursor_bytes > byte_mv.shape[0]: return cursor, last_processed_coverage_ids_idx, next_cached_vuln_cdf # compute losses for each item for item_j in range(Nitems): item_event_data = items_event_data[coverage['start_items'] + item_j] item_id = item_event_data['item_id'] rng_index = item_event_data['rng_index'] hazard_rng_index = item_event_data['hazard_rng_index'] item = items[item_event_data['item_idx']] areaperil_id = item['areaperil_id'] vulnerability_id = item['vulnerability_id'] intensity_adjustment = item['intensity_adjustment'] return_period = item['return_period'] if not effective_damageability: # get the right hazard cdf from the array containing all hazard cdfs hazcdf_i = item_event_data['hazcdf_i'] haz_cdf_record = haz_cdf[haz_cdf_ptr[hazcdf_i]:haz_cdf_ptr[hazcdf_i + 1]] haz_cdf_prob = haz_cdf_record['probability'] haz_cdf_bin_id = haz_cdf_record['intensity_bin_id'] if dynamic_footprint: # adjust intensity in dynamic footprint haz_cdf_intensity = haz_cdf_record['intensity'] haz_cdf_intensity = haz_cdf_intensity - intensity_adjustment haz_cdf_intensity = np.where(haz_cdf_intensity < 0, nb_int32(0), haz_cdf_intensity) Nhaz_bins = haz_cdf_ptr[hazcdf_i + 1] - haz_cdf_ptr[hazcdf_i] if vulnerability_id in agg_vuln_to_vuln_id: # aggregate case: the aggregate effective vuln cdf (agg_eff_vuln_cdf) needs to be computed weighted_vuln_cdf = weighted_vuln_cdf_empty tot_weights = 0. agg_vulns_idx = agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs[vulnerability_id] # here we use loop-unrolling for a more performant code. # we explicitly run the first cycle for damage_bin_i=0 in order to cache (eff_vuln_cdf_i, eff_vuln_cdf_Ndamage_bins, weight) # that are retrieved through O(1) but costly get calls to numba.typed.Dict. # we also filter out the empty cdfs, i.e. the effective cdfs that are completely zero because hazard intensity does not # overlap with vulnerability intensity bins; by filtering them once, we can avoid checking in each loop. damage_bin_i = nb_int32(0) cumsum = 0. used_vuln_data = [] for vuln_i in agg_vulns_idx: eff_vuln_cdf_i, eff_vuln_cdf_Ndamage_bins = areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf[(areaperil_id, vuln_i)] if (areaperil_id, vuln_i) in areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight: weight = np.float64(areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight[(areaperil_id, vuln_i)]) else: weight = np.float64(0.) if eff_vuln_cdf[eff_vuln_cdf_i + eff_vuln_cdf_Ndamage_bins - 1] == 0.: # the cdf is all zeros, i.e. probability of no loss is 100% # store it as (weighted) 1.0 in the first damage bin and do not include it in the next bins. pdf_bin = weight else: pdf_bin = eff_vuln_cdf[eff_vuln_cdf_i] * weight used_vuln_data.append((eff_vuln_cdf_i, eff_vuln_cdf_Ndamage_bins, weight)) tot_weights += weight cumsum += pdf_bin if tot_weights == 0.: print("Impossible to compute the cdf of the following aggregate vulnerability_id because individual weights are all zero.\n" "Please double check the weights table for the areaperil_id listed below.") print("aggregate vulnerability_id=", vulnerability_id) print("individual vulnerability_ids=", agg_vulns_idx) print("item_id=", item_id) print("event=", event_id) print("areaperil_id=", areaperil_id) print() raise ValueError( "Impossible to compute the cdf of an aggregate vulnerability_id because individual weights are all zero.") weighted_vuln_cdf[damage_bin_i] = cumsum / tot_weights # continue with the next bins, if necessary damage_bin_i = 1 if cumsum / tot_weights <= 0.999999940: while damage_bin_i < Ndamage_bins_max: for used_vuln in used_vuln_data: eff_vuln_cdf_i, eff_vuln_cdf_Ndamage_bins, weight = used_vuln if damage_bin_i >= eff_vuln_cdf_Ndamage_bins: # this eff_vuln_cdf is finished pdf_bin = 0. else: pdf_bin = eff_vuln_cdf[eff_vuln_cdf_i + damage_bin_i] - eff_vuln_cdf[eff_vuln_cdf_i + damage_bin_i - 1] pdf_bin *= weight cumsum += pdf_bin weighted_vuln_cdf[damage_bin_i] = cumsum / tot_weights damage_bin_i += 1 if weighted_vuln_cdf[damage_bin_i - 1] > 0.999999940: break Ndamage_bins = damage_bin_i eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins = Ndamage_bins eff_damag_cdf = weighted_vuln_cdf[:eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins] else: vuln_i = vuln_dict[vulnerability_id] eff_damag_vuln_cdf_i, eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins = areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf[(areaperil_id, vuln_i)] eff_damag_cdf = eff_vuln_cdf[eff_damag_vuln_cdf_i:eff_damag_vuln_cdf_i + eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins] # for relative vulnerability functions, gul are fraction of the tiv # for absolute vulnerability functions, gul are absolute values computation_tiv = tiv if damage_bins[eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins - 1]['bin_to'] <= 1 else 1.0 # compute mean loss values gul_mean, std_dev, chance_of_loss, max_loss = compute_mean_loss( computation_tiv, eff_damag_cdf, damage_bins['interpolation'], eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins, damage_bins[eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins - 1]['bin_to'], ) losses[MAX_LOSS_IDX, item_j] = max_loss losses[CHANCE_OF_LOSS_IDX, item_j] = chance_of_loss losses[TIV_IDX, item_j] = exposureValue losses[STD_DEV_IDX, item_j] = std_dev losses[MEAN_IDX, item_j] = gul_mean # compute random losses if sample_size > 0: if do_haz_correlation: # use correlation definitions to draw correlated random values rho = item['hazard_correlation_value'] if rho > 0: get_corr_rval( haz_eps_ij[item['peril_correlation_group']], haz_rndms_base[hazard_rng_index], rho, norm_inv_parameters['x_min'], norm_inv_parameters['x_max'], norm_inv_parameters['N'], norm_inv_cdf, norm_inv_parameters['cdf_min'], norm_inv_parameters['cdf_max'], norm_cdf, sample_size, z_unif ) haz_rndms = z_unif else: haz_rndms = haz_rndms_base[hazard_rng_index] else: # do not use correlation haz_rndms = haz_rndms_base[hazard_rng_index] if do_correlation: # use correlation definitions to draw correlated random values rho = item['damage_correlation_value'] if rho > 0: get_corr_rval( eps_ij[item['peril_correlation_group']], vuln_rndms_base[rng_index], rho, norm_inv_parameters['x_min'], norm_inv_parameters['x_max'], norm_inv_parameters['N'], norm_inv_cdf, norm_inv_parameters['cdf_min'], norm_inv_parameters['cdf_max'], norm_cdf, sample_size, z_unif ) vuln_rndms = z_unif if vulnerability_id in vuln_adj_dict: vuln_rndms *= vuln_adj_dict[vulnerability_id] else: vuln_rndms = vuln_rndms_base[rng_index] if vulnerability_id in vuln_adj_dict: vuln_rndms *= vuln_adj_dict[vulnerability_id] else: # do not use correlation vuln_rndms = vuln_rndms_base[rng_index] if vulnerability_id in vuln_adj_dict: vuln_rndms *= vuln_adj_dict[vulnerability_id] if effective_damageability: # draw samples of effective damageability (i.e., intensity-averaged damage probability) for sample_idx in range(1, sample_size + 1): vuln_cdf = eff_damag_cdf Ndamage_bins = eff_damag_cdf_Ndamage_bins vuln_rval = vuln_rndms[sample_idx - 1] if debug == 2: # store the random value used for the damage sampling instead of the loss losses[sample_idx, item_j] = vuln_rval continue # cap `vuln_rval` to the maximum `vuln_cdf` value (which should be 1.) if vuln_rval >= vuln_cdf[Ndamage_bins - 1]: vuln_rval = vuln_cdf[Ndamage_bins - 1] - 0.00000003 vuln_bin_idx = Ndamage_bins - 1 else: # find the damage cdf bin in which the random value `vuln_rval` falls into vuln_bin_idx = binary_search(vuln_rval, vuln_cdf, Ndamage_bins) # compute ground-up losses gul = get_gul( damage_bins['bin_from'][vuln_bin_idx], damage_bins['bin_to'][vuln_bin_idx], damage_bins['interpolation'][vuln_bin_idx], vuln_cdf[vuln_bin_idx - 1] * (vuln_bin_idx > 0), vuln_cdf[vuln_bin_idx], vuln_rval, computation_tiv, ) losses[sample_idx, item_j] = gul * (gul >= loss_threshold) else: # full monte carlo (sample hazard intensity and damage independently) if vulnerability_id in agg_vuln_to_vuln_id: # full monte carlo, aggregate vulnerability for sample_idx in range(1, sample_size + 1): # 1) get the intensity bin if Nhaz_bins == 1: # if hazard intensity has no uncertainty, there is no need to sample haz_bin_idx = nb_int32(0) else: # if hazard intensity has a probability distribution, sample it # cap `haz_rval` to the maximum `haz_cdf_prob` value (which should be 1.) haz_rval = haz_rndms[sample_idx - 1] if debug == 1: # store the random value used for the hazard intensity sampling instead of the loss losses[sample_idx, item_j] = haz_rval continue if haz_rval >= haz_cdf_prob[Nhaz_bins - 1]: haz_bin_idx = nb_int32(Nhaz_bins - 1) else: # find the hazard intensity cdf bin in which the random value `haz_rval` falls into haz_bin_idx = nb_int32(binary_search(haz_rval, haz_cdf_prob, Nhaz_bins)) # 2) get the hazard intensity bin id haz_int_bin_id = haz_cdf_bin_id[haz_bin_idx] # 3) get the aggregate vulnerability cdf for a given intensity bin id agg_vulns_idx = agg_vuln_to_vuln_idxs[vulnerability_id] weighted_vuln_cdf = weighted_vuln_cdf_empty # cache the weights and compute the total weights tot_weights = 0. used_weights = [] for j, vuln_i in enumerate(agg_vulns_idx): if (areaperil_id, vuln_i) in areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight: weight = np.float64(areaperil_vuln_idx_to_weight[(areaperil_id, vuln_i)]) else: weight = np.float64(0.) used_weights.append(weight) tot_weights += weight if tot_weights == 0.: print("Impossible to compute the cdf of the following aggregate vulnerability_id because individual weights are all zero.\n" "Please double check the weights table for the areaperil_id listed below.") print("aggregate vulnerability_id=", vulnerability_id) print("individual vulnerability_ids=", agg_vulns_idx) print("item_id=", item_id) print("event=", event_id) print("areaperil_id=", areaperil_id) print() raise ValueError( "Impossible to compute the cdf of an aggregate vulnerability_id because individual weights are all zero.") # compute the weighted cdf damage_bin_i = nb_int32(0) cumsum = 0. while damage_bin_i < Ndamage_bins_max: for j, vuln_i in enumerate(agg_vulns_idx): cumsum += vuln_array[vuln_i, damage_bin_i, haz_int_bin_id - 1] * used_weights[j] weighted_vuln_cdf[damage_bin_i] = cumsum / tot_weights damage_bin_i += 1 if weighted_vuln_cdf[damage_bin_i - 1] > 0.999999940: break Ndamage_bins = damage_bin_i vuln_cdf = weighted_vuln_cdf[:Ndamage_bins] vuln_rval = vuln_rndms[sample_idx - 1] if debug == 2: # store the random value used for the damage sampling instead of the loss losses[sample_idx, item_j] = vuln_rval continue # cap `vuln_rval` to the maximum `vuln_cdf` value (which should be 1.) if vuln_rval >= vuln_cdf[Ndamage_bins - 1]: vuln_rval = vuln_cdf[Ndamage_bins - 1] - 0.00000003 vuln_bin_idx = Ndamage_bins - 1 else: # find the damage cdf bin in which the random value `vuln_rval` falls into vuln_bin_idx = binary_search(vuln_rval, vuln_cdf, Ndamage_bins) # compute ground-up losses gul = get_gul( damage_bins['bin_from'][vuln_bin_idx], damage_bins['bin_to'][vuln_bin_idx], damage_bins['interpolation'][vuln_bin_idx], vuln_cdf[vuln_bin_idx - 1] * (vuln_bin_idx > 0), vuln_cdf[vuln_bin_idx], vuln_rval, computation_tiv, ) losses[sample_idx, item_j] = gul * (gul >= loss_threshold) else: # full monte carlo, individual vulnerability for sample_idx in range(1, sample_size + 1): # 1) get the intensity bin if Nhaz_bins == 1: # if hazard intensity has no uncertainty, there is no need to sample haz_bin_idx = nb_int32(0) else: # if hazard intensity has a probability distribution, sample it # cap `haz_rval` to the maximum `haz_cdf_prob` value (which should be 1.) haz_rval = haz_rndms[sample_idx - 1] if debug == 1: # store the random value used for the hazard intensity sampling instead of the loss losses[sample_idx, item_j] = haz_rval continue if haz_rval >= haz_cdf_prob[Nhaz_bins - 1]: haz_bin_idx = nb_int32(Nhaz_bins - 1) else: # find the hazard intensity cdf bin in which the random value `haz_rval` falls into haz_bin_idx = nb_int32(binary_search(haz_rval, haz_cdf_prob, Nhaz_bins)) # 2) get the hazard intensity bin id if dynamic_footprint: haz_int_val = haz_cdf_intensity[haz_bin_idx] haz_int_bin_id = intensity_bin_dict[haz_int_val] else: haz_int_bin_id = haz_cdf_bin_id[haz_bin_idx] # 3) get the individual vulnerability cdf vuln_i = vuln_dict[vulnerability_id] vuln_cdf, Ndamage_bins, next_cached_vuln_cdf = get_vuln_cdf(vuln_i, haz_int_bin_id, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys, vuln_array, vuln_cdf_empty, Ndamage_bins_max, cached_vuln_cdfs, next_cached_vuln_cdf) vuln_rval = vuln_rndms[sample_idx - 1] if debug == 2: # store the random value used for the damage sampling instead of the loss losses[sample_idx, item_j] = vuln_rval continue # cap `vuln_rval` to the maximum `vuln_cdf` value (which should be 1.) if vuln_rval >= vuln_cdf[Ndamage_bins - 1]: vuln_rval = vuln_cdf[Ndamage_bins - 1] - 0.00000003 vuln_bin_idx = Ndamage_bins - 1 else: # find the damage cdf bin in which the random value `vuln_rval` falls into vuln_bin_idx = binary_search(vuln_rval, vuln_cdf, Ndamage_bins) # compute ground-up losses # for relative vulnerability functions, gul are scaled by tiv # for absolute vulnerability functions, gul are absolute values gul = get_gul( damage_bins['bin_from'][vuln_bin_idx], damage_bins['bin_to'][vuln_bin_idx], damage_bins['interpolation'][vuln_bin_idx], vuln_cdf[vuln_bin_idx - 1] * (vuln_bin_idx > 0), vuln_cdf[vuln_bin_idx], vuln_rval, computation_tiv, ) losses[sample_idx, item_j] = gul * (gul >= loss_threshold) # write the losses to the output memoryview cursor = write_losses(event_id, sample_size, loss_threshold, losses[:, :Nitems], items_event_data[coverage['start_items']: coverage['start_items'] + Nitems]['item_id'], alloc_rule, tiv, byte_mv, cursor) # register that another `coverage_id` has been processed last_processed_coverage_ids_idx += 1 return (cursor, last_processed_coverage_ids_idx, next_cached_vuln_cdf)
@njit(cache=True, fastmath=True)
[docs] def get_vuln_cdf(vuln_i, haz_int_bin_id, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup, cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys, vuln_array, vuln_cdf_empty, Ndamage_bins_max, cached_vuln_cdfs, next_cached_vuln_cdf): """Compute the cdf of a vulnerability function and store it in cache or, if it is already cached, retrieve it. Args: vuln_i (int): index of the vuln_array matrix where the vulnerability pdf is stored. haz_int_bin_id (int): the selected hazard intensity bin id (starts from 1). cached_vuln_cdf_lookup (Dict[VULN_LOOKUP_KEY_TYPE, VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE]): dict to store the map between vuln_id and intensity bin id and the location of the cdf in the cache. cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys (List[VULN_LOOKUP_VALUE_TYPE]): list of lookup keys. vuln_array (np.array[float]): damage pdf for different vulnerability functions, as a function of hazard intensity. vuln_cdf_empty (numpy.array[oasis_float]): array (to be re-used) to store vulnerability cdf. Ndamage_bins_max (int): maximum number of damage bins. cached_vuln_cdfs (np.array[oasis_float]): vulnerability cdf cache. next_cached_vuln_cdf (int): index of the next free slot in the vuln cdf cache. Returns: vuln_cdf (np.array[oasis_float]): the desired vulnerability cdf. Ndamage_bins (int): number of bins of vuln_cdf. next_cached_vuln_cdf (int): updated index of the next free slot in the vuln cdf cache. """ lookup_key = tuple((vuln_i, haz_int_bin_id)) if lookup_key in cached_vuln_cdf_lookup: # cdf is cached start, Ndamage_bins = cached_vuln_cdf_lookup[lookup_key] vuln_cdf = cached_vuln_cdfs[start, :Ndamage_bins] else: # cdf has to be computed vuln_cdf = vuln_cdf_empty damage_bin_i = 0 cumsum = 0 while damage_bin_i < Ndamage_bins_max: cumsum += vuln_array[vuln_i, damage_bin_i, haz_int_bin_id - 1] vuln_cdf[damage_bin_i] = cumsum damage_bin_i += 1 if cumsum > 0.999999940: break Ndamage_bins = damage_bin_i if cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys[next_cached_vuln_cdf] in cached_vuln_cdf_lookup: # overwrite cache cached_vuln_cdf_lookup.pop(cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys[next_cached_vuln_cdf]) # cache the cdf cached_vuln_cdfs[next_cached_vuln_cdf, :Ndamage_bins] = vuln_cdf[:Ndamage_bins] cached_vuln_cdf_lookup[lookup_key] = tuple((nb_int32(next_cached_vuln_cdf), nb_int32(Ndamage_bins))) cached_vuln_cdf_lookup_keys[next_cached_vuln_cdf] = lookup_key next_cached_vuln_cdf += 1 next_cached_vuln_cdf %= cached_vuln_cdfs.shape[0] return (vuln_cdf[:Ndamage_bins], Ndamage_bins, next_cached_vuln_cdf)
@njit(cache=True, fastmath=True)
[docs] def process_areaperils_in_footprint(event_footprint, vuln_array, areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict, areaperil_to_vulns_idx_array, areaperil_to_vulns, dynamic_footprint): """ Process all the areaperils in the footprint, filtering and retaining only those who have associated vulnerability functions, computing the hazard intensity cdf for each of those areaperil_id. Args: event_footprint (np.array[Event or EventCSV]): footprint, made of one or more event entries. vuln_array (np.array[float]): damage pdf for different vulnerability functions, as a function of hazard intensity. areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict (dict[int, int]): areaperil to vulnerability index dictionary. areaperil_to_vulns_idx_array (List[IndexType]]): areaperil ID to vulnerability index array. areaperil_to_vulns (np.array ): vuln indexes for each area perils Returns: areaperil_ids (List[int]): list of all areaperil_ids present in the footprint. Nhaz_cdf_this_event (int): number of hazard cdf stored for this event. If zero, it means no items have losses in such event. areaperil_to_haz_cdf (dict[int, int]): map between the areaperil_id and the hazard cdf index. haz_cdf (np.array[oasis_float]): hazard intensity cdf. haz_cdf_ptr (np.array[int]): array with the indices where each cdf record starts in `haz_cdf`. eff_vuln_cdf (np.array[oasis_float]): effective damageability cdf. areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf (dict[ITEM_MAP_KEY_TYPE_internal, int]): map between `(areaperil_id, vuln_idx)` and the location where the effective damageability function is stored in `eff_vuln_cdf`. """ # init data structures haz_prob_start_in_footprint = List.empty_list(nb_int64) areaperil_ids = List.empty_list(nb_areaperil_int) footprint_i = 0 last_areaperil_id = nb_areaperil_int(0) last_areaperil_id_start = nb_int64(0) haz_cdf_i = 0 areaperil_to_haz_cdf = Dict.empty(nb_areaperil_int, nb_int32) Nevent_footprint_entries = len(event_footprint) haz_pdf = np.empty(Nevent_footprint_entries, dtype=oasis_float) # max size haz_cdf = np.empty(Nevent_footprint_entries, dtype=haz_cdf_type) # max size Nvulns, Ndamage_bins_max, _ = vuln_array.shape eff_vuln_cdf = np.zeros(Nvulns * Ndamage_bins_max, dtype=oasis_float) # initial size, it is a dynamic array cdf_start = 0 cdf_end = 0 areaperil_id = 0 haz_cdf_ptr = List([0]) eff_vuln_cdf_start = nb_int32(0) areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf = Dict.empty(AREAPERIL_TO_EFF_VULN_KEY_TYPE, AREAPERIL_TO_EFF_VULN_VALUE_TYPE) while footprint_i < Nevent_footprint_entries: areaperil_id = event_footprint[footprint_i]['areaperil_id'] if areaperil_id != last_areaperil_id: # one areaperil_id is completed if last_areaperil_id > 0: if last_areaperil_id in areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict: # if items with this areaperil_id exist, process and store this areaperil_id areaperil_ids.append(last_areaperil_id) haz_prob_start_in_footprint.append(last_areaperil_id_start) areaperil_to_haz_cdf[last_areaperil_id] = nb_int32(haz_cdf_i) haz_cdf_i += 1 # read the hazard intensity pdf and compute the cdf Nhaz_bins_to_read = footprint_i - last_areaperil_id_start cdf_end = cdf_start + Nhaz_bins_to_read cumsum = 0 for haz_bin_i in range(Nhaz_bins_to_read): haz_pdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i] = event_footprint['probability'][last_areaperil_id_start + haz_bin_i] cumsum += haz_pdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i] haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['probability'] = cumsum haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['intensity_bin_id'] = event_footprint['intensity_bin_id'][last_areaperil_id_start + haz_bin_i] if dynamic_footprint is not None: haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['intensity'] = event_footprint['intensity'][last_areaperil_id_start + haz_bin_i] # compute effective damageability cdf (internally called `eff_vuln`) # for each vulnerability function associated to this areaperil_id, compute the product between # the hazard intensity probability and the damage probability. areaperil_to_vulns_idx = areaperil_to_vulns_idx_array[areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict[last_areaperil_id]] for vuln_idx in range(areaperil_to_vulns_idx['start'], areaperil_to_vulns_idx['end']): while eff_vuln_cdf.shape[0] < eff_vuln_cdf_start + Ndamage_bins_max: # if eff_vuln_cdf.shape needs to be larger to store all the effective cdfs, double it in size temp_eff_vuln_cdf = np.empty(eff_vuln_cdf.shape[0] * 2, dtype=eff_vuln_cdf.dtype) temp_eff_vuln_cdf[:eff_vuln_cdf_start] = eff_vuln_cdf[:eff_vuln_cdf_start] eff_vuln_cdf = temp_eff_vuln_cdf eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum = 0. damage_bin_i = 0 while damage_bin_i < Ndamage_bins_max: for haz_bin_i in range(Nhaz_bins_to_read): eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum += vuln_array[ areaperil_to_vulns[vuln_idx], damage_bin_i, haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['intensity_bin_id'] - 1] * haz_pdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i] eff_vuln_cdf[eff_vuln_cdf_start + damage_bin_i] = eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum damage_bin_i += 1 if eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum > 0.999999940: break Ndamage_bins = damage_bin_i areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf[(last_areaperil_id, areaperil_to_vulns[vuln_idx])] = ( nb_int32(eff_vuln_cdf_start), nb_int32(Ndamage_bins)) eff_vuln_cdf_start += Ndamage_bins haz_cdf_ptr.append(cdf_end) cdf_start = cdf_end last_areaperil_id = areaperil_id last_areaperil_id_start = footprint_i footprint_i += 1 # here we process the last row of the footprint: # this is either the last entry of a cdf started a few lines above or a 1-line cdf. # In either case we do not need to check if areaperil_id != last_areaperil_id # because we need to store the row anyway. if areaperil_id in areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict: areaperil_ids.append(areaperil_id) haz_prob_start_in_footprint.append(last_areaperil_id_start) areaperil_to_haz_cdf[areaperil_id] = nb_int32(haz_cdf_i) haz_cdf_i += 1 # needed to correctly count the number of haz_cdf imported Nhaz_bins_to_read = footprint_i - last_areaperil_id_start cdf_end = cdf_start + Nhaz_bins_to_read cumsum = 0 for haz_bin_i in range(Nhaz_bins_to_read): haz_pdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i] = event_footprint['probability'][last_areaperil_id_start + haz_bin_i] cumsum += haz_pdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i] haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['probability'] = cumsum haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['intensity_bin_id'] = event_footprint['intensity_bin_id'][last_areaperil_id_start + haz_bin_i] if dynamic_footprint is not None: haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['intensity'] = event_footprint['intensity'][last_areaperil_id_start + haz_bin_i] # compute effective damageability cdf (internally called `eff_vuln`) # for each vulnerability function associated to this areaperil_id, compute the product between # the hazard intensity probability and the damage probability. areaperil_to_vulns_idx = areaperil_to_vulns_idx_array[areaperil_to_vulns_idx_dict[last_areaperil_id]] for vuln_idx in range(areaperil_to_vulns_idx['start'], areaperil_to_vulns_idx['end']): while eff_vuln_cdf.shape[0] < eff_vuln_cdf_start + Ndamage_bins_max: # if eff_vuln_cdf.shape needs to be larger to store all the effective cdfs, double it in size temp_eff_vuln_cdf = np.empty(eff_vuln_cdf.shape[0] * 2, dtype=eff_vuln_cdf.dtype) temp_eff_vuln_cdf[:eff_vuln_cdf_start] = eff_vuln_cdf[:eff_vuln_cdf_start] eff_vuln_cdf = temp_eff_vuln_cdf eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum = 0. damage_bin_i = 0 while damage_bin_i < Ndamage_bins_max: for haz_bin_i in range(Nhaz_bins_to_read): eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum += vuln_array[ areaperil_to_vulns[vuln_idx], damage_bin_i, haz_cdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i]['intensity_bin_id'] - 1] * haz_pdf[cdf_start + haz_bin_i] eff_vuln_cdf[eff_vuln_cdf_start + damage_bin_i] = eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum damage_bin_i += 1 if eff_vuln_cdf_cumsum > 0.999999940: break Ndamage_bins = damage_bin_i areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf[(areaperil_id, areaperil_to_vulns[vuln_idx])] = (nb_int32(eff_vuln_cdf_start), nb_int32(Ndamage_bins)) eff_vuln_cdf_start += Ndamage_bins haz_cdf_ptr.append(cdf_end) Nhaz_cdf_this_event = haz_cdf_i return (areaperil_ids, Nhaz_cdf_this_event, areaperil_to_haz_cdf, haz_cdf[:cdf_end], haz_cdf_ptr, eff_vuln_cdf, areaperil_to_eff_vuln_cdf)
@njit(cache=True, fastmath=True)
[docs] def reconstruct_coverages(event_id, areaperil_ids, areaperil_ids_map, areaperil_to_haz_cdf, item_map, items, coverages, compute, haz_seeds, vuln_seeds): """Register each item to its coverage, with the location of the corresponding hazard intensity cdf in the footprint, compute the random seeds for the hazard intensity and vulnerability samples. Args: event_id (int32): event id. areaperil_ids (List[int]): list of all areaperil_ids present in the footprint. areaperil_ids_map (Dict[int, Dict[int, int]]) dict storing the mapping between each areaperil_id and all the vulnerability ids associated with it. areaperil_to_haz_cdf (dict[int, int]): map between the areaperil_id and the hazard cdf index. item_map (Dict[ITEM_MAP_KEY_TYPE, ITEM_MAP_VALUE_TYPE]): dict storing the mapping between areaperil_id, vulnerability_id to item. items (np.ndarray): items table merged with correlation parameters. coverages (numpy.array[oasis_float]): array with the coverage values for each coverage_id. compute (numpy.array[int]): list of coverage ids to be computed. haz_seeds (numpy.array[int]): the random seeds to draw the hazard intensity samples. vuln_seeds (numpy.array[int]): the random seeds to draw the damage samples. Returns: compute_i (int): index of the last coverage id stored in `compute`. items_data (numpy.array[items_MC_data_type]): item-related data. rng_index (int): number of unique random seeds for damage sampling computed so far. hazard_rng_index (int): number of unique random seeds for hazard intensity sampling computed so far. """ # init data structures group_id_rng_index = Dict.empty(nb_int32, nb_int64) hazard_group_id_hazard_rng_index = Dict.empty(nb_int32, nb_int64) rng_index = 0 hazard_rng_index = 0 compute_i = 0 items_data_i = 0 coverages['cur_items'].fill(0) items_event_data = np.empty(2 ** NP_BASE_ARRAY_SIZE, dtype=items_MC_data_type) # for each areaperil_id, loop over all vulnerability functions used in that areaperil_id and, # for each item: # - compute the seeds for the hazard intensity sampling and for the damage sampling # - store data for later processing (hazard cdf index, etc.) for areaperil_id in areaperil_ids: for vuln_id in areaperil_ids_map[areaperil_id]: # register the items to their coverage item_key = tuple((areaperil_id, vuln_id)) for item_idx in item_map[item_key]: # if this group_id was not seen yet, process it. # it assumes that hash only depends on event_id and group_id # and that only 1 event_id is processed at a time. group_id = items[item_idx]['group_id'] if group_id not in group_id_rng_index: group_id_rng_index[group_id] = rng_index vuln_seeds[rng_index] = generate_hash(group_id, event_id) this_rng_index = rng_index rng_index += 1 else: this_rng_index = group_id_rng_index[group_id] hazard_group_id = items[item_idx]['hazard_group_id'] if hazard_group_id not in hazard_group_id_hazard_rng_index: hazard_group_id_hazard_rng_index[hazard_group_id] = hazard_rng_index haz_seeds[hazard_rng_index] = generate_hash_hazard(hazard_group_id, event_id) this_hazard_rng_index = hazard_rng_index hazard_rng_index += 1 else: this_hazard_rng_index = hazard_group_id_hazard_rng_index[hazard_group_id] coverage_id = items[item_idx]['coverage_id'] coverage = coverages[coverage_id] if coverage['cur_items'] == 0: # no items were collected for this coverage yet: set up the structure compute[compute_i], compute_i = coverage_id, compute_i + 1 while items_event_data.shape[0] < items_data_i + coverage['max_items']: # if items_data needs to be larger to store all the items, double it in size temp_items_data = np.empty(items_event_data.shape[0] * 2, dtype=items_event_data.dtype) temp_items_data[:items_data_i] = items_event_data[:items_data_i] items_event_data = temp_items_data coverage['start_items'], items_data_i = items_data_i, items_data_i + coverage['max_items'] # append the data of this item item_i = coverage['start_items'] + coverage['cur_items'] items_event_data[item_i]['item_idx'] = item_idx items_event_data[item_i]['item_id'] = items[item_idx]['item_id'] items_event_data[item_i]['hazcdf_i'] = areaperil_to_haz_cdf[areaperil_id] items_event_data[item_i]['rng_index'] = this_rng_index items_event_data[item_i]['hazard_rng_index'] = this_hazard_rng_index items_event_data[item_i]['intensity_adjustment'] = items[item_idx]['intensity_adjustment'] items_event_data[item_i]['return_period'] = items[item_idx]['return_period'] coverage['cur_items'] += 1 return (compute_i, items_event_data, rng_index, hazard_rng_index)
if __name__ == '__main__': # test_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("tests") \ # .joinpath("assets").joinpath("test_model_2")
[docs] test_dir = Path("runs/losses-20240108105851")
file_out = test_dir.joinpath('gulpy_mc.bin') run( run_dir=test_dir, ignore_file_type=set(), file_in=test_dir.joinpath("input").joinpath('events.bin'), file_out=file_out, sample_size=10, loss_threshold=0., alloc_rule=1, debug=0, random_generator=1, ignore_correlation=False, ignore_haz_correlation=False, effective_damageability=False, dynamic_footprint=False ) # remove temporary file if file_out.exists(): file_out.unlink()