Source code for oasislmf.pytools.pla.streams

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import logging

from import oasis_int, oasis_int_size, oasis_float, oasis_float_size
from oasislmf.pytools.common.event_stream import (EventReader, get_and_check_header_in, stream_info_to_bytes, write_mv_to_stream,
                                                  mv_read, mv_write, PIPE_CAPACITY)

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@nb.jit(nopython=True, cache=True)
[docs] def read_buffer(byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id, items_amps, plafactors, default_factor, out_byte_mv, out_cursor): """ read the gul loss stream, apply the post loss amplification factor and load it into out_byte_mv buffer This modified version of the read_buffer template return result when the whole input buffer is read and not when an event is read. therefore it cannot be used to read multiple stream at a time because events would be mixed up. Args: byte_mv: input byte array cursor: read cursor valid_buff: valid part of input array event_id: last event id item_id: last item_id items_amps (numpy array): amplification IDs where indexes correspond to item IDs plafactors (dict): event ID and amplification ID pairs mapped to loss factors default_factor (float): post loss reduction/amplification factor to be used if loss factor not found in plafactors out_byte_mv: output byte arrau out_cursor: single value array to store valid part of out_byte_mv """ if item_id: factor = plafactors.get((event_id, items_amps[item_id]), default_factor) while True: if item_id: if valid_buff - cursor < (oasis_int_size + oasis_float_size): break sidx, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) if sidx: loss, _ = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_float, oasis_float_size) loss = 0 if np.isnan(loss) else loss ###### do loss read ###### cursor = mv_write(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_float, oasis_float_size, loss * factor) ########## else: ##### do item exit #### ########## cursor += oasis_float_size item_id = 0 else: if valid_buff - cursor < 2 * oasis_int_size: break event_id, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) item_id, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) ##### do new item setup ##### factor = plafactors.get((event_id, items_amps[item_id]), default_factor) ########## out_byte_mv[:cursor] = byte_mv[:cursor] out_cursor[0] = cursor return cursor, event_id, item_id, 1
[docs] class PlaReader(EventReader): def __init__(self, items_amps, plafactors, default_factor):
[docs] self.items_amps = items_amps
[docs] self.plafactors = plafactors
[docs] self.default_factor = default_factor
[docs] self.out_byte_mv = np.empty(PIPE_CAPACITY, dtype='b')
[docs] self.out_cursor = np.empty(1, dtype='i4')
[docs] self.event_id = 0
[docs] self.item_id = 0
[docs] self.logger = logger
[docs] def read_buffer(self, byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id, **kwargs): cursor, self.event_id, self.item_id, yield_event = read_buffer( byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, self.event_id, self.item_id, self.items_amps, self.plafactors, self.default_factor, self.out_byte_mv, self.out_cursor ) return cursor, self.event_id, self.item_id, yield_event
[docs] def read_and_write_streams( stream_in, stream_out, items_amps, plafactors, default_factor ): """ Read input stream from gulpy or gulcalc, determine amplification ID from item ID, determine loss factor from event ID and amplification ID pair, multiply losses by relevant factors, and write to output stream. Input stream is binary file with layout: stream type (oasis_int), maximum sidx value (oasis_int), event ID 1 (oasis_int), item ID 1 (oasis_int), sample ID/sidx 1 (oasis_int), loss for sidx 1 (oasis_float), ... sample ID/sidx n (oasis_int), loss for sidx n (oasis_float), 0 (oasis_int), 0.0 (4-byte float), event ID 1 (oasis_int), item ID 2 (oasis_int), ... event ID M (oasis_int), item ID N (oasis_int), sample ID/sidx 1 (oasis_int), loss for sidx 1 (oasis_float), ... sample ID/sidx n (oasis_int), loss for sidx n (oasis_float) Sample ID/sidx of 0 indicates start of next event ID-item ID pair. Output stream has same format as input stream. Args: stream_in (buffer): input stream stream_out (buffer): output stream items_amps (numpy array): amplification IDs where indexes correspond to item IDs plafactors (dict): event ID and amplification ID pairs mapped to loss factors default_factor (float): post loss reduction/amplification factor to be used if loss factor not found in plafactors """ stream_source_type, stream_agg_type, len_sample = get_and_check_header_in(stream_in) stream_out.write(stream_info_to_bytes(stream_source_type, stream_agg_type)) stream_out.write(len_sample.tobytes()) pla_reader = PlaReader(items_amps, plafactors, default_factor) for _ in pla_reader.read_streams(stream_in): write_mv_to_stream(stream_out, pla_reader.out_byte_mv, pla_reader.out_cursor[0])