Source code for oasislmf.pytools.plt.manager

# plt/

import logging
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from contextlib import ExitStack
from pathlib import Path

from import (MEAN_TYPE_ANALYTICAL, MEAN_TYPE_SAMPLE, oasis_int, oasis_float,
                                          oasis_int_size, oasis_float_size, write_ndarray_to_fmt_csv)
from oasislmf.pytools.common.event_stream import (MAX_LOSS_IDX, MEAN_IDX, NUMBER_OF_AFFECTED_RISK_IDX, EventReader, init_streams_in,
                                                  mv_read, SUMMARY_STREAM_ID)
from oasislmf.pytools.common.input_files import read_occurrence, read_periods, read_quantile
from oasislmf.pytools.utils import redirect_logging

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] SPLT_output = [ ('Period', oasis_int, '%d'), ('PeriodWeight', oasis_float, '%.6f'), ('EventId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Year', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Month', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Day', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Hour', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Minute', oasis_int, '%d'), ('SummaryId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('SampleId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Loss', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('ImpactedExposure', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ]
[docs] MPLT_output = [ ('Period', oasis_int, '%d'), ('PeriodWeight', oasis_float, '%.6f'), ('EventId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Year', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Month', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Day', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Hour', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Minute', oasis_int, '%d'), ('SummaryId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('SampleType', oasis_int, '%d'), ('ChanceOfLoss', oasis_float, '%.4f'), ('MeanLoss', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('SDLoss', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('MaxLoss', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('FootprintExposure', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('MeanImpactedExposure', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('MaxImpactedExposure', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ]
[docs] QPLT_output = [ ('Period', oasis_int, '%d'), ('PeriodWeight', oasis_float, '%.6f'), ('EventId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Year', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Month', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Day', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Hour', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Minute', oasis_int, '%d'), ('SummaryId', oasis_int, '%d'), ('Quantile', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ('Loss', oasis_float, '%.2f'), ]
[docs] SPLT_headers = [c[0] for c in SPLT_output]
[docs] MPLT_headers = [c[0] for c in MPLT_output]
[docs] QPLT_headers = [c[0] for c in QPLT_output]
[docs] SPLT_dtype = np.dtype([(c[0], c[1]) for c in SPLT_output])
[docs] MPLT_dtype = np.dtype([(c[0], c[1]) for c in MPLT_output])
[docs] QPLT_dtype = np.dtype([(c[0], c[1]) for c in QPLT_output])
[docs] SPLT_fmt = ','.join([c[2] for c in SPLT_output])
[docs] MPLT_fmt = ','.join([c[2] for c in MPLT_output])
[docs] QPLT_fmt = ','.join([c[2] for c in QPLT_output])
[docs] class PLTReader(EventReader): def __init__( self, len_sample, compute_splt, compute_mplt, compute_qplt, occ_map, period_weights, granular_date, intervals, ):
[docs] self.logger = logger
# Buffer for SPLT data
[docs] self.splt_data = np.zeros(1000000, dtype=SPLT_dtype)
[docs] self.splt_idx = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int64)
# Buffer for MPLT data
[docs] self.mplt_data = np.zeros(1000000, dtype=MPLT_dtype)
[docs] self.mplt_idx = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int64)
# Buffer for QPLT data
[docs] self.qplt_data = np.zeros(1000000, dtype=QPLT_dtype)
[docs] self.qplt_idx = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int64)
read_buffer_state_dtype = np.dtype([ ('len_sample', oasis_int), ('reading_losses', np.bool_), ('read_summary_set_id', np.bool_), ('compute_splt', np.bool_), ('compute_mplt', np.bool_), ('compute_qplt', np.bool_), ('summary_id', oasis_int), ('exposure_value', oasis_float), ('max_loss', oasis_float), ('mean_impacted_exposure', oasis_float), ('max_impacted_exposure', oasis_float), ('chance_of_loss', oasis_float), ('vrec', oasis_float, (len_sample,)), ('sumloss', oasis_float), ('sumlosssqr', oasis_float), ('hasrec', np.bool_), ])
[docs] self.state = np.zeros(1, dtype=read_buffer_state_dtype)[0]
self.state["reading_losses"] = False # Set to true after reading header in read_buffer self.state["read_summary_set_id"] = False self.state["len_sample"] = len_sample self.state["compute_splt"] = compute_splt self.state["compute_mplt"] = compute_mplt self.state["compute_qplt"] = compute_qplt self.state["hasrec"] = False
[docs] self.occ_map = occ_map
[docs] self.period_weights = period_weights
[docs] self.granular_date = granular_date
[docs] self.intervals = intervals
[docs] self.curr_file_idx = None # Current summary file idx being read
[docs] def read_buffer(self, byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id, file_idx): # Check for new file idx to read summary_set_id at the start of each summary file stream # This is not done by init_streams_in as the summary_set_id is unique to the summary_stream only if self.curr_file_idx is not None and self.curr_file_idx != file_idx: self.curr_file_idx = file_idx self.state["read_summary_set_id"] = False else: self.curr_file_idx = file_idx # Pass state variables to read_buffer cursor, event_id, item_id, ret = read_buffer( byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id, self.state, self.splt_data, self.splt_idx, self.mplt_data, self.mplt_idx, self.qplt_data, self.qplt_idx, self.occ_map, self.period_weights, self.granular_date, self.intervals, ) return cursor, event_id, item_id, ret
@nb.njit(cache=True) def _get_dates(occ_date_id, granular_date): """Returns date as year, month, day, hour, minute from occ_date_id Args: occ_date_id (np.int32 | np.int64): occurrence file date id (int64 for granular dates) granular_date (bool): boolean for whether granular date should be extracted or not Returns: (oasis_int, oasis_int, oasis_int, oasis_int, oasis_int): Returns year, month, date, hour, minute """ days = occ_date_id / (1440 - 1439 * (not granular_date)) # Function void d(long long g, int& y, int& mm, int& dd) taken from pltcalc.cpp y = (10000 * days + 14780) // 3652425 ddd = days - (365 * y + y // 4 - y // 100 + y // 400) if ddd < 0: y = y - 1 ddd = days - (365 * y + y // 4 - y // 100 + y // 400) mi = (100 * ddd + 52) // 3060 mm = (mi + 2) % 12 + 1 y = y + (mi + 2) // 12 dd = ddd - (mi * 306 + 5) // 10 + 1 minutes = (occ_date_id % 1440) * granular_date occ_hour = minutes // 60 occ_minutes = minutes % 60 return y, mm, dd, occ_hour, occ_minutes @nb.njit(cache=True) def _update_splt_data( splt_data, si, period_weights, granular_date, record, event_id, summary_id, sidx, loss, impacted_exposure ): """updates splt_data to write to output """ year, month, day, hour, minute = _get_dates(record["occ_date_id"], granular_date) splt_data[si]["Period"] = record["period_no"] splt_data[si]["PeriodWeight"] = period_weights[record["period_no"] - 1]["weighting"] splt_data[si]["EventId"] = event_id splt_data[si]["Year"] = year splt_data[si]["Month"] = month splt_data[si]["Day"] = day splt_data[si]["Hour"] = hour splt_data[si]["Minute"] = minute splt_data[si]["SummaryId"] = summary_id splt_data[si]["SampleId"] = sidx splt_data[si]["Loss"] = loss splt_data[si]["ImpactedExposure"] = impacted_exposure @nb.njit(cache=True) def _update_mplt_data( mplt_data, mi, period_weights, granular_date, record, event_id, summary_id, sample_type, chance_of_loss, meanloss, sdloss, maxloss, footprint_exposure, mean_impacted_exposure, max_impacted_exposure ): """updates mplt_data to write to output """ year, month, day, hour, minute = _get_dates(record["occ_date_id"], granular_date) mplt_data[mi]["Period"] = record["period_no"] mplt_data[mi]["PeriodWeight"] = period_weights[record["period_no"] - 1]["weighting"] mplt_data[mi]["EventId"] = event_id mplt_data[mi]["Year"] = year mplt_data[mi]["Month"] = month mplt_data[mi]["Day"] = day mplt_data[mi]["Hour"] = hour mplt_data[mi]["Minute"] = minute mplt_data[mi]["SummaryId"] = summary_id mplt_data[mi]["SampleType"] = sample_type mplt_data[mi]["ChanceOfLoss"] = chance_of_loss mplt_data[mi]["MeanLoss"] = meanloss mplt_data[mi]["SDLoss"] = sdloss mplt_data[mi]["MaxLoss"] = maxloss mplt_data[mi]["FootprintExposure"] = footprint_exposure mplt_data[mi]["MeanImpactedExposure"] = mean_impacted_exposure mplt_data[mi]["MaxImpactedExposure"] = max_impacted_exposure @nb.njit(cache=True) def _update_qplt_data( qplt_data, qi, period_weights, granular_date, record, event_id, summary_id, quantile, loss, ): """updates mplt_data to write to output """ year, month, day, hour, minute = _get_dates(record["occ_date_id"], granular_date) qplt_data[qi]["Period"] = record["period_no"] qplt_data[qi]["PeriodWeight"] = period_weights[record["period_no"] - 1]["weighting"] qplt_data[qi]["EventId"] = event_id qplt_data[qi]["Year"] = year qplt_data[qi]["Month"] = month qplt_data[qi]["Day"] = day qplt_data[qi]["Hour"] = hour qplt_data[qi]["Minute"] = minute qplt_data[qi]["SummaryId"] = summary_id qplt_data[qi]["Quantile"] = quantile qplt_data[qi]["Loss"] = loss @nb.njit(cache=True, error_model="numpy")
[docs] def read_buffer( byte_mv, cursor, valid_buff, event_id, item_id, state, splt_data, splt_idx, mplt_data, mplt_idx, qplt_data, qplt_idx, occ_map, period_weights, granular_date, intervals, ): # Initialise idxs last_event_id = event_id si = splt_idx[0] mi = mplt_idx[0] qi = qplt_idx[0] # Helper functions def _update_idxs(): splt_idx[0] = si mplt_idx[0] = mi qplt_idx[0] = qi def _reset_state(): state["reading_losses"] = False state["max_loss"] = 0 state["mean_impacted_exposure"] = 0 state["max_impacted_exposure"] = 0 state["chance_of_loss"] = 0 state["vrec"].fill(0) state["sumloss"] = 0 state["sumlosssqr"] = 0 state["hasrec"] = False def _get_mean_and_sd_loss(): meanloss = state["sumloss"] / state["len_sample"] if state["len_sample"] != 1: variance = ( state["sumlosssqr"] - ( (state["sumloss"] * state["sumloss"]) / state["len_sample"] ) ) / (state["len_sample"] - 1) # Tolerance check if variance / state["sumlosssqr"] < 1e-7: variance = 0 sdloss = np.sqrt(variance) else: sdloss = 0 return meanloss, sdloss # Read input loop while cursor < valid_buff: if not state["reading_losses"]: # Read summary header if valid_buff - cursor >= 3 * oasis_int_size + oasis_float_size: # Need to read summary_set_id from summary info first if not state["read_summary_set_id"]: _, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) state["read_summary_set_id"] = True event_id_new, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) if last_event_id != 0 and event_id_new != last_event_id: # New event, return to process the previous event _update_idxs() return cursor - oasis_int_size, last_event_id, item_id, 1 event_id = event_id_new state["summary_id"], cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) state["exposure_value"], cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_float, oasis_float_size) state["reading_losses"] = True else: break # Not enough for whole summary header if state["reading_losses"]: if valid_buff - cursor < oasis_int_size + oasis_float_size: break # Not enough for whole record # Read sidx sidx, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_int, oasis_int_size) if sidx == 0: # sidx == 0, end of record cursor += oasis_float_size # Read extra 0 for end of record # Update MPLT data (sample mean) if state["compute_mplt"]: filtered_occ_map = occ_map[occ_map["event_id"] == event_id] firsttime = True for record in filtered_occ_map: if firsttime: for l in state["vrec"]: state["sumloss"] += l state["sumlosssqr"] += l * l firsttime = False if state["hasrec"]: meanloss, sdloss = _get_mean_and_sd_loss() if meanloss > 0 or sdloss > 0: _update_mplt_data( mplt_data, mi, period_weights, granular_date, record=record, event_id=event_id, summary_id=state["summary_id"], sample_type=MEAN_TYPE_SAMPLE, chance_of_loss=state["chance_of_loss"], meanloss=meanloss, sdloss=sdloss, maxloss=state["max_loss"], footprint_exposure=state["exposure_value"], mean_impacted_exposure=state["mean_impacted_exposure"], max_impacted_exposure=state["max_impacted_exposure"], ) mi += 1 if mi >= mplt_data.shape[0]: # Output array full _update_idxs() return cursor, event_id, item_id, 1 # Update QPLT data if state["compute_qplt"]: state["vrec"].sort() filtered_occ_map = occ_map[occ_map["event_id"] == event_id] for record in filtered_occ_map: for i in range(len(intervals)): q = intervals[i]["q"] ipart = intervals[i]["integer_part"] fpart = intervals[i]["fractional_part"] if ipart == len(state["vrec"]): loss = state["vrec"][ipart - 1] else: loss = ( (state["vrec"][ipart] - state["vrec"][ipart - 1]) * fpart + state["vrec"][ipart - 1] ) _update_qplt_data( qplt_data, qi, period_weights, granular_date, record=record, event_id=event_id, summary_id=state["summary_id"], quantile=q, loss=loss ) qi += 1 if qi >= qplt_data.shape[0]: # Output array full _update_idxs() return cursor, event_id, item_id, 1 _reset_state() continue # Read loss loss, cursor = mv_read(byte_mv, cursor, oasis_float, oasis_float_size) impacted_exposure = 0 if sidx == NUMBER_OF_AFFECTED_RISK_IDX: continue if sidx >= MEAN_IDX: impacted_exposure = state["exposure_value"] * (loss > 0) # Update SPLT data if state["compute_splt"]: filtered_occ_map = occ_map[occ_map["event_id"] == event_id] for record in filtered_occ_map: _update_splt_data( splt_data, si, period_weights, granular_date, record=record, event_id=event_id, summary_id=state["summary_id"], sidx=sidx, loss=loss, impacted_exposure=impacted_exposure, ) si += 1 if si >= splt_data.shape[0]: # Output array full _update_idxs() return cursor, event_id, item_id, 1 if sidx == MAX_LOSS_IDX: state["max_loss"] = loss elif sidx == MEAN_IDX: # Update MPLT data (analytical mean) if state["compute_mplt"]: filtered_occ_map = occ_map[occ_map["event_id"] == event_id] for record in filtered_occ_map: _update_mplt_data( mplt_data, mi, period_weights, granular_date, record=record, event_id=event_id, summary_id=state["summary_id"], sample_type=MEAN_TYPE_ANALYTICAL, chance_of_loss=0, meanloss=loss, sdloss=0, maxloss=state["max_loss"], footprint_exposure=state["exposure_value"], mean_impacted_exposure=state["exposure_value"], max_impacted_exposure=state["exposure_value"], ) mi += 1 if mi >= mplt_data.shape[0]: # Output array full _update_idxs() return cursor, event_id, item_id, 1 else: # Update state variables if sidx > 0: state["vrec"][sidx - 1] = loss state["hasrec"] = True state["mean_impacted_exposure"] += impacted_exposure / state["len_sample"] if impacted_exposure > state["max_impacted_exposure"]: state["max_impacted_exposure"] = impacted_exposure state["chance_of_loss"] += (loss > 0) / state["len_sample"] else: pass # Should never reach here anyways # Update the indices _update_idxs() return cursor, event_id, item_id, 0
[docs] def read_input_files(run_dir, compute_qplt, sample_size): """Reads all input files and returns a dict of relevant data Args: run_dir (str | os.PathLike): Path to directory containing required files structure compute_qplt (bool): Compute QPLT bool sample_size (int): Sample size Returns: file_data (Dict[str, Any]): A dict of relevent data extracted from files """ occ_map, date_algorithm, granular_date, no_of_periods = read_occurrence(Path(run_dir, "input")) period_weights = read_periods(no_of_periods, Path(run_dir, "input")) intervals = read_quantile(sample_size, Path(run_dir, "input"), return_empty=not compute_qplt) file_data = { "occ_map": occ_map, "date_algorithm": date_algorithm, "granular_date": granular_date, "no_of_periods": no_of_periods, "period_weights": period_weights, "intervals": intervals, } return file_data
[docs] def run(run_dir, files_in, splt_output_file=None, mplt_output_file=None, qplt_output_file=None, noheader=False): """Runs PLT calculations Args: run_dir (str | os.PathLike): Path to directory containing required files structure files_in (str | os.PathLike): Path to summary binary input file splt_output_file (str, optional): Path to SPLT output file. Defaults to None. mplt_output_file (str, optional): Path to MPLT output file. Defaults to None. qplt_output_file (str, optional): Path to QPLT output file. Defaults to None. noheader (bool): Boolean value to skip header in output file """ compute_splt = splt_output_file is not None compute_mplt = mplt_output_file is not None compute_qplt = qplt_output_file is not None if not compute_splt and not compute_mplt and not compute_qplt: logger.warning("No output files specified") with ExitStack() as stack: streams_in, (stream_source_type, stream_agg_type, len_sample) = init_streams_in(files_in, stack) if stream_source_type != SUMMARY_STREAM_ID: raise Exception(f"unsupported stream type {stream_source_type}, {stream_agg_type}") file_data = read_input_files(run_dir, compute_qplt, len_sample) plt_reader = PLTReader( len_sample, compute_splt, compute_mplt, compute_qplt, file_data["occ_map"], file_data["period_weights"], file_data["granular_date"], file_data["intervals"], ) # Initialise csv column names for PLT files output_files = {} if compute_splt: splt_file = stack.enter_context(open(splt_output_file, 'w')) if not noheader: csv_headers = ','.join(SPLT_headers) splt_file.write(csv_headers + '\n') output_files['splt'] = splt_file else: output_files['splt'] = None if compute_mplt: mplt_file = stack.enter_context(open(mplt_output_file, 'w')) if not noheader: csv_headers = ','.join(MPLT_headers) mplt_file.write(csv_headers + '\n') output_files['mplt'] = mplt_file else: output_files['mplt'] = None if compute_qplt: qplt_file = stack.enter_context(open(qplt_output_file, 'w')) if not noheader: csv_headers = ','.join(QPLT_headers) qplt_file.write(csv_headers + '\n') output_files['qplt'] = qplt_file else: output_files['qplt'] = None for event_id in plt_reader.read_streams(streams_in): if compute_splt: # Extract SPLT data splt_data = plt_reader.splt_data[:plt_reader.splt_idx[0]] if output_files['splt'] is not None and splt_data.size > 0: write_ndarray_to_fmt_csv(output_files["splt"], splt_data, SPLT_headers, SPLT_fmt) plt_reader.splt_idx[0] = 0 if compute_mplt: # Extract MPLT data mplt_data = plt_reader.mplt_data[:plt_reader.mplt_idx[0]] if output_files['mplt'] is not None and mplt_data.size > 0: write_ndarray_to_fmt_csv(output_files["mplt"], mplt_data, MPLT_headers, MPLT_fmt) plt_reader.mplt_idx[0] = 0 if compute_qplt: # Extract QPLT data qplt_data = plt_reader.qplt_data[:plt_reader.qplt_idx[0]] if output_files['qplt'] is not None and qplt_data.size > 0: write_ndarray_to_fmt_csv(output_files["qplt"], qplt_data, QPLT_headers, QPLT_fmt) plt_reader.qplt_idx[0] = 0
[docs] def main(run_dir='.', files_in=None, splt=None, mplt=None, qplt=None, noheader=False, **kwargs): run( run_dir, files_in, splt_output_file=splt, mplt_output_file=mplt, qplt_output_file=qplt, noheader=noheader, )