Frequently Asked Questions

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Where can I download the code?

The code and all relevant files can be accessed via GitHub.

How do I access the Oasis framework?

The Oasis platform can be accessed in multiple ways, depending on the user’s requirements. Models can be run by using either the Oasis user interface (UI) or the application programming interface (API). The UI is a bowser based application, while the API enables models to be run directly from other systems. The Oasis platform can be deployed on a server using Docker cotainers, or on cloud-based servers including AWS and Azure.

What models do I have access to in Oasis?

Although there are numerous models available on the Oasis platform, access to them depend on the agreements in place between the user and the model vendor. All available models will be accessible in the UI or via the API. A list of the current models in Oasis can be found here.

How can I learn more about Oasis and catastrophe modelling?

Head to the Oasis Information Library to access documents, videos and other relevant material related to Oasis, catastrophe modelling and its industry.

How do I gain access to more models?

More models can be added to the user account once agreements with the vendors are in place. However, the majority of models can be accessed for a limited time for evaluation purposes via a hosted environment. Please contact the Oasis team for more information on this option.

Where can I sign-up to receive Oasis updates via email?

Just enter your email address here.

How can I benefit from Oasis?

What are the components of the ecosystem?

Oasis Platform is a catastrophe modelling system that encompasses a set of data standards: an API, and tools and components for building and running models. Oasis User Interface (UI) is a web-based application for unloading exposure data, running models deployed in Oasis, and retrieving results data. Oasis Model Development Kit (MDK) is a set of tools for building, calibrating and creating a model, ready to be deployed into the Oasis Platform. Oasis Model Library is a hosted catalogue for Oasis models hosted in AWS.

How can I join Oasis as…

…a Member?

Insurers, Reinsurers, Brokers and Financial Institutions can join Oasis as a Member. To find out more, please get in touch with us via email (

Benefits: Members are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting and also to attend the Members’ Advisory Group. TheMembers approve the accounts and appoint the Board and direct the strategy of Oasis at the Annual General Meeting. 2-days per year of free training and other benefits.

…an Associate Member?

Send us an email ( with the following information:

  • Company Name

  • Company URL

  • Full name of the main contact person of your company

  • Email address of the main contact person

  • Company logo in high-res format


The full name and email address will be made available on our website, and you will automatically be added to our mailing list.

Benefits: Associate Members represent a broad community – academic suppliers, software developers and other organisations. Each can collectively appoint two members to the Members”’” Advisory Group.

Who else is Oasis collaborating with?

  • Oasis is part of a research centre for greener global finance.

  • Working with Insurance Development Forum (IDF) on interoperability, & global exposure projects.

  • Working with IDF on filling the gaps for non-modelled and emerging territories.

  • Working with UNISDR on new global risk assessment framework (GRAF).

How to engage with the Oasis community?

There are many ways to engage with the Oasis community. Find out more on our community page and get started.

How much will it cost to use the Oasis platform?

The cost of using Oasis varies depending on the models, the data used, the size of the organisation and the number of users. An approximate guidance to model license costs, based on the most material models (US EQ & Hurricane, Japan EQ & Typhoon, European WS and UK Flood), over a 3-year deal are shown below. Note that prices do not include hosting costs or taxes and are in USD. This should be used as a guide only and will vary.

  • Small company in the region of $479,000

  • Medium company in the region of $663,000

  • Large company in the region of $930,000

Models can be accessed for free as Open Access Models where they will be hosted internally on the Oasis AWS server. The suite of models available are continuously increasing based on demand and requirements. Initial models available are the GEM (Global Earthquake Model) and the Columbia University Climate Hazard Model (CHAZ). The focus of the Open Access Models will be primarily based on validation projects rather than commercial rollups and pricing. Please contact the Oasis team for more information on the Open Access models.

Can I use the Oasis software under Windows or is it currently just Linux and Mac?

The Oasis model developer tool kit (MDK) software is not supported for Windows currently. You can run on Windows using a Docker container or Linux Subsystem (WSL) in Windows 10.

What does the Oasis API do?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is an interface that enables systems to communicate with each other. This is important when a user wants to use multiple external tools in a single business application or workflow. Oasis models can be run directly using the API and the results can be captured without the need to access the UI directly.

What is OED, ORD and the “Open Standard”?

OED is the Open Exposure Database and ORD is the Open Results Database. OED is already supported by the Oasis Platform, and ORD will be supported in 2020. These make up the “open standard” data formats used in Oasis where the exposure data being imported into a model and the results being produced by that model are consistent across all models regardless of the vendor. Historically, all input and output formats have been proprietary which makes transferring of data and analytical work between models and users difficult. The “open standards” are governed and curated by a steering committee that is made up of participants from insurers, reinsurers, brokers and cat model vendors. The “open standard” is a market initiative to increase transparency and efficiency throughout the cat modelling community. Find out more here.